
2167 products
  • G.D. Vajra 2023 Lange Rosso 750ml

    G.D. Vajra is one of the most legendary producers in Piedmont, Italy. The "rosso" is their entry-level blend meant to be enjoyed young, on a weeknight, with good food, family, and friends. It doesn't need the same kind of aging that their more prestigious Barolo wines do. Never mind the…

    In stock (14)

  • Gaja 2018 Ca Marcanda Promis Toscana Red 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Bright and deep garnet color. The nose is rich and concentrated with hints of blueberries, licorice and cocoa. The palate is fresh and juicy. Balsamic and appealing scents of graphite lead to mellow notes of rhubarb. Fine-grained and silky tannins. The 2018 Promis perfectly mirrors the Mediterranean scrubland…

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  • Gaja 2019 Ca’ Marcanda Magari 1.5L

    Located in Piedmont in north-western Italy, the Gaja winery is widely considered to be one of the greatest estates in the world, producing coveted and collectible labels. From its classic Barbaresco and Barolo and its single-vineyard bottling to its ground-breaking Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon. Gaja is a pioneer…

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  • Galerie Latro Knights Valley 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon Latro from Knights Valley is 100% Cabernet Sauvignon aged 20 months in two-thirds new French oak before being bottled unfined and unfiltered. This has a touch of roasted Provençal herbs in it, with some white chocolate and terrific blackcurrant intensity intermixed with a hint of graphite.…

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  • Gancia Atto Primo Blackberry Sparkling 750ml

    Atto Primo is perfect for consumers looking for a different take on sparkling wine—something light, fresh, and fruity. While Atto Primo means "First Act," a nod to Atto Primo being a wonderful choice for an aperitif, it really can be enjoyed across a number of different occasions all summer long.

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  • Gancia Atto Primo Mango Sparkling 750ml

    Straw yellow colour with golden reflections, fine and persistent perlage. Delicately aromatic, with hints of blackberry and red fruits. Harmonious and well-balanced taste; sweet and fresh.

    In stock (3)

  • Gancia Moscato D’ Asti Sparkling 750ml

    Straw to pale golden yellow in color, the perlage is extremely fine and persistent. The bouquet is floral and fruity with hints of mountain honey, sage and musk. The taste is fresh, pleasant and delicately sweet and aromatic. Perfect for aperitifs, all types of celebrations and for dessert.

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  • Gancia Moscato Rose 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Gancia Moscato Rosé is intensely aromatic, fresh, with fruity hints such as peach, sage, orange and raspberry. The intense and sweet flavor makes Moscato Rosé Gancia the right product for festive moods and particularly suitable for dessert and fruit.

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  • Gancia Prosecco Sparkling 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This sparkling is made from the best selection of Glera grapes coming from the Prosecco area. Production takes place between Friuli and Veneto, in the area of the Prosecco di Treviso. After harvesting, the grapes are soft pressed and then vinified in white (without the skins) at 18°…

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  • Gary Farrell 2018 Russian River Valley Chardonnay 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Very attractive citrus notes of lemon rind and grapefruit initially present on the nose, followed by crisp nectarine, honeydew melon, pressed mint leaves and lemongrass. There is plenty to love here for even the non-Chardonnay-lover. Fresh, crisp flavors of Meyer lemon and lime zest create a bright entry…

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  • Garzon 2021 Cabernet Franc Reserva 750ml

    Of a strong purple colour with violet reflections, this noble red wine has mineral aromas coming from ripe peppers, spices and fruits of the forest accompanied by a subtle chocolate note and smoked hints coming from selected barrels. With gentle tannins in mouth, it mixes prunes and ripe blackberries with…

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  • Garzon 2021 Tannat Reserva 750ml

    Deep purple in colour, this Tannat fresh aromas reminiscent of red and black fruits such as plums and raspberries on a spice-flavoured aroma. It has a great personality in mouth. Its ripe tannins and its minerality make it a terroir wine of great identity.

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  • Garzon 2022 Cabernet Franc Reserva 750ml

    Of a strong purple colour with violet reflections, this noble red wine has mineral aromas coming from ripe peppers, spices and fruits of the forest accompanied by a subtle chocolate note and smoked hints coming from selected barrels. With gentle tannins in mouth, it mixes prunes and ripe blackberries with…

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  • Garzon 2022 Tannat Reserva 750ml

    Deep purple in colour, this Tannat fresh aromas reminiscent of red and black fruits such as plums and raspberries on a spice-flavoured aroma. It has a great personality in mouth. Its ripe tannins and its minerality make it a terroir wine of great identity.

    In stock (16)

  • Garzon 2024 Albarino Reserva 750ml

    This Albariño is of a pale yellow colour with greenish reflections and fruity aromas reminding of peach; balanced with citric notes. It is fresh and mineral with a marked acidity and a long and rounded aftertaste in mouth. Its ripening time takes place between 3 to 6 months on fine…

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