
2150 products
  • Antinori 2022 Pian Delle Vigne Rosso di Montalcino Sangiovese 750ml

    Pian delle Vigne’s Rosso di Montalcino offers to the eye a lively ruby red color. The nose is characterized by such ripe red fruit as plums and red currents, sustained by pleasurable sensations of dog roses and Mediterranean herbs, sage and origan. The palate is vigorous and fresh with silky…

    In stock (23)

  • Antinori Tenuta Guado al Tasso 2022 Il Bruciato Bolgheri 750ml

    An opaque purple blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Syrah, the 2022 Il Bruciato is luxurious with notes of blackberry liqueur and some blue fruit coming through along with notes of violets, olive, and black licorice. Full-bodied, with a weightless and seamless feel, it has no harsh edges and offers…

    In stock (15)

  • Apothic 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon is a bold red wine with an impossibly smooth profile. Layers of blackberries and black currant reveal a dark fruit presence while aromas of vanilla deliver a silky texture that rolls across the palate, smooth as silk.

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  • Apothic 2020 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Inspired by Apotheca, a mysterious place where wine was blended and stored in 13th century Europe, the wines of Apothic are truly unique in style and taste. Our winemaker, Debbie Juergenson, continues to challenge convention by crafting bold, captivating Apothic blends. From vintage to vintage, the character and flavor of…

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  • Apothic 2021 Inferno 750ml

    Apothic Winery Apothic Inferno has red and dark fruit flavors combine with layers of maple and spice, giving way to a long, clean finish.

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  • Apothic 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    Apothic Chardonnay shows notes of toasted oak, spice, and cream. Intense aromas of apple blossom, ripe pear, and lemon drop complement its silky texture for a bright and fresh finish.

    In stock (3)

  • Apothic Dark Red Blend 750ml

    There's a romance in darkness, it draws our curiosity and beckons a desire to taste the unknown. Apothic Dark blends dark fruit flavors of blueberry and blackberry with opulent notes of coffee and dark chocolate for a rich, yet silky smooth, wine experience.

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  • Apothic Red Blend 750ml

    A masterful red blend wine featuring rich Zinfandel, smooth Merlot, flavorful Syrah, and bold Cabernet Sauvignon. These unique elements come together to create a red blend with layers of dark red fruit complemented by hints of vanilla and mocha.

    In stock (134)

  • Archery Summit 2020 Dundee HIlls Pinot Noir 750ml

    A medley of graphite, spice and crushed red strawberries waft from the glass. Further digging reveals even more to the nose of this Pinot Noir, in the flickering form of oak spice and caramelized fruits. On the palate, there’s opulent fruit and signature Dundee Hills spices like allspice, cardamom and…

    In stock (1)

  • Archery Summit 2021 Dundee HIlls Pinot Noir 750ml

    The 2021 Dundee Hills Pinot Noir touts all the hallmarks of our storied appellation. It begins with brambleberry, ripe rainier cherry, blackberry blossoms, cocoa powder, and spice on the nose. The palate is just as lively, with fresh, juicy red fruit backed by graceful tannins and acid. Finishing with spiced…

    In stock (4)

  • Archery Summit 2021 Vireton Willamette Valley Pinot Gris 750ml

    Wildly approachable, the Vireton Pinot Gris touts bright citrus notes, a clean minerality, and a playful acidity. Dried flowers and citrus zest fill out the nose while the palate reminds of fresh pear, kiwi, and lime. The Willamette Valley has a longstanding reputation for turning out dry yet character-driven Pinot…

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  • Areyna 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    WINE OVERVIEW Areyna marks a moment in time in the evolution of Cabernet in Luján de Cuyo – a historic winemaking region in modern evolution for the varietal. TASTING NOTES The nose shows subtle aromas of fig, cassis, and dark fruits. The mouth feel is full and rich with notes…

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  • Areyna 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    WINE OVERVIEW Areyna marks a moment in time in the evolution of Cabernet in Luján de Cuyo – a historic winemaking region in modern evolution for the varietal. TASTING NOTES The nose shows subtle aromas of fig, cassis, and dark fruits. The mouth feel is full and rich with notes…

    In stock (2)

  • Areyna 2018 Malbec 750ml

    WINE OVERVIEW Estate-grown Malbec that marks a moment in time in the evolution of Luján de Cuyo, a historic winemaking region undergoing modern transformation. TASTING NOTES Aromas of raspberries and ripe red fruits. The mouth feel shows good concentration and structure, with a soft texture and sweet, round tannins. The…

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  • Argiano 2021 NC Non Cunfuditur Toscana IGT 750ml

    The nose is broad and complex, yet clean and fresh, with classic hints of red fruit mixed with notes of aromatic herbs and spices. In the mouth, the wine is broad, robust, and savory, with silky tannins and a long, fresh finish.

    In stock (32)
