
2169 products
  • Juve Y Camps Brut Rose Pinot Noir Cava 750ml

    Juve y Camps Brut Rose NV is a prestigious Spanish Cava that brings a luxurious touch to any celebration. Crafted with the native Pinot Noir grape, this sparkling rose is vibrant and full-bodied, with a dazzling array of strawberry, cherry, and floral notes. The palate is equally impressive, offering a…

    In stock (10)

  • K Vintners Cougar Hills Walla Walla Valley 2010 Syrah 750ml

    Wine Spectator-94 Points "Ripe, open-textured and expansive, this rich style displays licorice accented blackberry, plum and black olive flavors, with vivid intensity. The finish comes together harmoniously. Drink now through 2020." Robert Parker, Wine Advocate-93 Points "From deep, loamy soils and a north facing slope located to the west of…

    In stock (5)

  • Kadabra 2016 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    A juicy and rich wine with round and juicy tannins. Currant and blackberry character. Chocolate undertones. Medium to full body.

    In stock (12)

  • Kaiken Ultra 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This wine has an intense ruby red color with violet hues. On the nose, it features great complexity where the Cabernet spiciness blends perfectly with mature fruit allowing plum and cherry aromas to stand out. Its oak ageing contributes by adding complexity and sophistication to the wine. On the mouthfeel…

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  • Kate Arnold Willamette Valley 2019 Pinot Noir 750ml

    The secret to complex and interesting flavor in grapes is a combination of two things-the right vineyard site and long hanging fruit. Leaving fruit to hang is tougher in a warm vintage year like 2015 since sugars run so high, however, we allow for a slightly larger crop yield to…

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  • Keel and Curley Blueberry Rose 750ml

    This fresh fruit wine is made from blueberries grown in sunny Central Florida at our farm located in Plant City. We ferment our berries on the skins to create this beautiful pink color and smooth body. Light, crispy, and refreshing with a touch of blueberry sweetness.

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  • Keel and Curley Kiwi Pear Seasonal Dessert 750ml

    Enjoy this tart and fruity wine filled with kiwi, pear, pineapple, and banana. 750ml, 12% alcohol by volume.

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  • Keel and Curley Peach Dessert 750ml

    A light golden color from white grape with a bright nose of peach blossom. The body is crisp & rounded, sweetly scented of ripe orchard peaches & light honey. Not too sweet, not too dry & bursting with fruit flavor. Pair with soft cheeses or lighter pasta dishes.

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  • Keel And Curley Sangria 750ml

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  • Keel and Curley Semi-Dry Blueberry Dessert

    Our Semi-Dry Blueberry Wine is 100% blueberries. A beautiful purple-red color with a nose of tart berries blending into a body that is bursting with sweet zingy acidity and warm fruit flavors. This wine pairs excellent with red meats, stews, and exotic cheeses.

    In stock (6)

  • Keel and Curley Strawberry Blush Dessert 750ml

    Keel Farms is located in Plant City, one of the Strawberry Capitals of the world. Inspired by our city, we crafted a blush wine that is made for the summer time. It will only be available for a short time, like the berries themselves. Our Strawberry Blush has a soft…

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  • Keel and Curley Strawberry Riesling Dessert 750ml

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  • Keel and Curley Sweet Blueberry Dessert 750ml

    A beautiful deep purple color with just a hint of red medium body of intense sun ripened blueberries with a delicate sweetness and balance that is neither syrupy or watered down.

    In stock (8)

  • Keel and Curley Watermelon Blush Dessert 750ml

    This Watermelon Blush wine is a summer picnic in a bottle. Crisp as well as sweet and refreshing, this blush is primarily made of white merlot grapes and enhanced with loads of fresh watermelon.

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  • Ken Wright Cellars 2018 Canary Hill Vineyard Pinot Noir 750ml

    The depth of this wine is exceptional. Young, tight, tannic and herbal, it nonetheless takes a deep dive down through the palate. You'll notice black fruits, tart citrus, fresh herbs, green tea and lemon rind flavors as you explore the depths. This needs more time, to be sure, but it…

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