
2095 products
  • La Fete Du Rose 2021 Saint Tropez Cotes De Provence Rose 750ml

    La Fete du Rose embodies the St. Tropez lifestyle and ethos, where rose drinking is a part of everyday life. This lifestyle includes pathering with friends at a cafe or partying at your favorite beach club ... On the nose: Scents of freshly picked forest fruits with notes of salinity,…

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  • La Jota Vineyard Co 2019 Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The 2019 Cabernet is exceptionally expressive after a few minutes in the glass. Blackberry, plum, tobacco and anis seamlessly integrate on the palate. The wine is framed by broad tannins and the finish carried by a beautifully balanced acidity. Savory in black pepper, smoked meat and cigar box, this wine…

    In stock (6)

  • La Marca Luminore Conegliano Valdobbiaene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Sparkling 750ml

    Inspired by the sun-drenched hillsides of Conegliano Valdobbiadene, Luminore is a Prosecco Superiore, crafted for life’s extraordinary moments. Luminore is the perfect example of how the finest quality grapes, expert craftsmanship and attention to detail combine to create a wine that has the ability to ignite moments of sparkling brilliance.…

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  • La Perlina Veneto Moscato 750ml

    La Perlina, or "little pearl”, is inspired by the mythical past of the Mediterranean, from the sailors of Homer’s Odyssey to the Sirens that beckoned them. The sea was full of hope and danger, adventure and romance - qualities which animate this beautiful Moscato from Italy. Made from hand-selected grapes…

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  • La Posta Fazzio 2021 Malbec 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The vibrant nose of red and black cherries and ripe plums combines with floral touches of violets and rose petals. It holds a nice tannic structure that is full on the palate. Vanilla, chocolate, and some spice appears to make it more complex. This is a fruitdriven, fresh…

    In stock (11)

  • La Posta Pizella 2020 Malbec Mendoza 750ml

    A beautiful red and purple color with aromas of black cherries, dark fruits, dark chocolate and baker’s spice. On the palate, the wine shows dense, dark berry and plum flavors along with hints of sandalwood and spice, and even a hint of violets in the finish. This is a full-bodied…

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  • La Vieille Ferme Blanc 750ml

    La Vieille Ferme Blanc 750ml - Beautifully pale in color, with glimmering highlights. The delicate nose of white flowers, peach and citrus is outstandingly fresh. With a rich, well-balanced attack the palate offers superb tension, elegant floral and citrus aromas, great aromatic persistence and a delicious touch of crispness.

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  • La Vieille Ferme Reserve Brut 750ml

    La Vieille Ferme Réserve Brut Sparkling is designed to share your celebration in elegance and simplicity. Whether served as an aperitif with friends or at a lavish banquet, this wine will help you enjoy the memorable moment and bringing conviviality.

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  • La Vieille Ferme Rose 750ml

    Since 1970, La Vieille Ferme has been producing authentic, honest and tasty wines vintage after vintage. In some of the world's best restaurants, La Vieille Ferme has been acknowledged as one of the best wine values. This pretty pale-pink rosé is the best selling French rosé wine in the USA.…

    In stock (24)

  • La Vieille Ferme Rouge 750ml

    Pretty deep red colour. The fresh nose is on ripe red fruit with hints of cherries. Well balanced with soft tannins, it is a full and fresh wine with a nice length.

    In stock (5)

  • La Vite Lucente 2018 Tenuta Luce Toscana Red 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The second wine from Tenuta Luce, a blend of Merlot and Sangiovese, is the result of a selection of the portions of the vineyard most suited to the production of a very pleasurable wine with a fruity profile. The wine is an intense and bright red color. The…

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  • Lail Vineyards 2018 Blueprint Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Deep ruby with purple edges in color, with exotic aromas of ripe red plum, bittersweet chocolate, black cherry and loganberry. Spicy flavors of ollalieberry, blackberry, and boysenberry add further intrigue and complexity. Its texture is round, lush, creamy, and perfectly balanced.

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  • Lambert De Seyssel 2015 Royal Seyssel Grand Cru Sparkling 750ml

    Seyssel’s sparkling wines must be produced in the méthode traditionnelle and aged for at least nine months before disgorgement; the Royal from Lambert is aged on its lees for three whole years. This provides a delightful richness of flavor, fine bead, and unrivaled aromatics. Floral notes dominate—iris, violet, and alpine…

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  • Lambert de Seyssel Petit Royal Brut Sparkling 750ml

    LAMBERT de SEYSSEL “Petit Royal” Brut NV (Savoie, France) When you’re in the mood to drink Champagne, but your wallet is not in the mood to be quite so obliging, this is your wine. The sparklers from the Savoie (sav-WA) region in the French Alps are not yet well known,…

    In stock (13)

  • Lan 2015 Culmen Reserva Rioja 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Bright cherry red color with a deep intensity. Predominant notes of liquorised red fruit, and spiced hints of nutmeg and cinnamon. A multitude of textures and flavours burst in the mouth. Balsamic notes as well as mineral nuances characteristic of the soil of the “Viña Lanciano”. Silky and…

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