
2168 products
  • Lava Cap 2018 El Dorado Reserve Chardonnay 750ml

    Critical Acclaim WE 90 Wine Enthusiast This wine is packed full of ripe apple and pear flavors that are accented by vanilla and butter. This is a full-bodied, barrel-fermented wine that’s big in profile but smooth in feel.

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  • Le Grand Courtage Grande Cuvee Blanc De Blancs Brut Sparkling 750ml

    Tasting Notes: Aromas: Undertones of Granny Smith apples, honeysuckle, strawberry & toasted brioche. Flavor Profile: This French sparkling wine creates the perfect balance of fruit, acidity & sweetness. Lingers nicely with a bit of Meyer lemon, honeydew & a continuing apple finish. Great length, crisp and refreshing finish. The Blend:…

    In stock (24)

  • Le Serre Nuove Dell Ornellaia 2022 Bolgheri Rosso Toscana 750ml

    Crafted from the same varieties, under the same sky, from the same philosophy: Le Serre Nuove dell’Ornellaia is a proud second vin, which has the ability to foretell the personality of the estate’s flagship wine. Together, the two wines provide their own distinctive points of view. The pleasure of sipping…

    In stock (12)

  • Leese Fitch 2017 Zinfandel 750ml

    Leese-Fitch Zinfandel swirls with dark purple color emitting aromas of blackberry jam, cinnamon toast, sandalwood, and grilled plum with hints of black pepper. On the palate, you taste dried cherry, black raspberry, toasted coconut, roasted almonds, and deep vanilla custard. The flavor continues to develop on the finish showing the…

    In stock (16)

  • Left Coast 2021 White Pinot Noir 750ml

    Famed for its diversity to complement nearly any food pairing, our White Pinot Noir is a peoples favorite. Limited skin contact gives the White Pinot Noir its pristine clarity. The wine itself is perfumed with fresh scents and mirrored flavors of Ranier cherry, peach and poached pear.  Rich and broad…

    In stock (8)

  • Left Coast Calis Cuvee 2017 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Expressive black cherry, black tea, and forest floor aromas expose polished and poised dark raspberry, bitter chocolate, and spice flavors that finish with our region’s minerality and mild tannin. Cali’s Cuvée is versatile and exceedingly food-friendly. A perfect match for anything from the grill, including salmon, pork chops,…

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  • Leftie Wine Co Maiden Voyage Pineapple White 750ml

    You are cordially invited to embark with us on our Maiden Voyage. Our deeply refreshing white blend starts with a fine wine that undergoes a secondary fermentation with pineapple juice. The result is a bright light-bodied wine with notes of fresh pineapple and a crisp finish.

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  • Leonetti Cellars 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon Walla Walla Valley 750ml

    Very dark crimson to the rim of the glass. Explosive nose of baking spices, rising sourdough, honey, plum flower, and ripe plum fruit. Viscous and creamy on the palate, with notes of red currant and fresh herbs. The beautiful structure has full-bodied, fine-grained tannins and a long, luscious, and intense…

    In stock (2)

  • Les Cadrans De Lassegue 2021 Saint Emilion Grand Cru 750ml

    Very beautiful deep and brilliant red color with spices on the nose. A lot of finesse on the palate with nutmeg and white pepper flavors. A very balanced wine that develops a good length on the palate and a mineral finish. Fine and persistent tannins. This vintage of Les Cadrans…

    In stock (12)

  • Les Sarrins 2022 Cotes De Provence 750ml

    Pale pink in color, pale rose petals, bright and clear. Fine and delicate, with white fruit aromas combined with citrus notes and floral nuances. The attack is ample and fresh with notes of peach, strawberry, and a long finish with violet notes.

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    Les Terres De Maslauris 2022 Luberon Rouge 750ml

    The Domaine de MasLauris is located between the Luberon massif and the Durance river, in the southernmost part of the Rhône Valley. From the estate, the panorama extends from the Luberon with its highest point, the Mourre Nègre, to the Aix-en-Provence region and its Sainte-Victoire.

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    Leviathan 2018 Red Blend 3L

    An intense mix of fresh boysenberry, black cherry and plum jump from the glass with cocoa powder, allspice and nutmeg. Its earthy elements of our rocky northern California hillsides include Bay Laurel, sage, cedar, dry red earth which speak to its origins. Supple and balanced tannins of this rich wine…

    In stock (1)

  • New

    Leviathan 2019 Red Blend 750ml

    An intense mix of fresh boysenberry, black cherry and plum jump from the glass with cocoa powder, allspice and nutmeg. Its earthy elements of our rocky northern California hillsides include Bay Laurel, sage, cedar, dry red earth which speak to its origins. Supple and balanced tannins of this rich wine…

    In stock (11)

  • Lewis Cellars 2021 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    As to the Cabernets, these are all terrific, with the Cabernet Sauvignon offering textbook, ripe black fruits, toasty oak, chocolate, and spice-driven aromas and flavors. This full-bodied, incredibly satisfying, powerful Cabernet exemplifies the vintage’s fresh, nicely balanced style. It's going to keep for 15 years.

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  • LifeVine 2021 Pinot Noir

    Zero Sugar & Certified Pesticide Free The color is dark red in the center fading to a granite and slight pink on the outer rim. It is bright and shows no signs of sediment or particles. The wine is clear and the viscosity seems to be moderate plus. Scents of…

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