
2167 products
  • LifeVine 2021 Pinot Noir

    Zero Sugar & Certified Pesticide Free The color is dark red in the center fading to a granite and slight pink on the outer rim. It is bright and shows no signs of sediment or particles. The wine is clear and the viscosity seems to be moderate plus. Scents of…

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  • LifeVine 2022 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Zero Sugar* Made with Organic Grapes Alc: 13% Our exquisite Cabernet Sauvignon - a wine that is sure to tantalize your taste buds and awaken your senses! With its deep red color and purple hues, this wine boasts a moderate amount of density and bright clarity that is sure to…

    In stock (13)

  • LifeVine 2023 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Zero Sugar & Certified Pesticide Free The color is dark red in the center fading to a granite and slight pink on the outer rim. It is bright and shows no signs of sediment or particles. The wine is clear and the viscosity seems to be moderate plus. Scents of…

    In stock (1)

  • Lillet Rose French Apertif Dessert 750ml

    Inviting aromas of fresh flowers, ripe berries and spring garden abound. Flavor profit le highlights the fruity-grapy-berry element to glorious result; irresistibly luscious.

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  • Lillet Rouge French Apertif Dessert 750ml

    Made from merlot and cabernet sauvignon grapes giving off a distinguished tartness. Fragrant of grapes with a slightly bitter palate of grapes, citrus and vanilla. This flavor aperitif can be enjoyed with club soda for a pre meal cocktail.

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  • Lillet White French Apertif Dessert 750ml

    Lillet Blanc is the original and most iconic apéritif in our range. It mixes beautifully in a simple spritz with an orange slice and elevates any classic cocktail. The Lillet Blanc is as versatile as it is timeless.

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  • Line 39 2020 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Bright cherry, hints of earth, mushroom, and toasty oak on the palate. Dark cherry, vanilla bean, pomegranate, and red licorice characterize the aromas of our Pinot Noir. Bright Cherry, hints of earth, mushroom, and toasty oak open on the palate. Enjoy a soft plush body and finish.

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  • Line 39 2021 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Made from organic grapes, this wine has a core of concentrated blackberry, black currant, black cherry, tobacco, dried bay leaf, fresh pine needle and fresh oregano. The finish is persistent. Enjoy with your favorite burger.

    In stock (13)

  • Line 39 2021 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Vibrant aromas of fresh grapefruit, lemon, and citrus notes give way to subtle herbal notes on the refreshing and light pallet. Crisp and clean on the finish, this is perfect for shellfish and seafood dishes, or wonderful on its own.

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  • Line 39 2022 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Made from organic grapes, this wine has a core of concentrated blackberry, black currant, black cherry, tobacco, dried bay leaf, fresh pine needle and fresh oregano. The finish is persistent. Enjoy with your favorite burger.

    In stock (13)

  • Line 39 Excursion 2020 Red Blend 750ml

    Line 39 Excursion is a proprietary Red Blend offering concentrated aromas of blackberry jam, ripe raspberries, mocha and warm toasted oak. The rich and structured palate of plum, dark chocolate, sweet vanilla and spice culminate into a long and lingering finish.

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  • Lioco Sonoma County 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Aromas of chamomile, kiwi, and rock salt. Flavor of pear skin, lemon verbena, and limestone. Pair with chicken cutlet, mac 'n' cheese, or king crab tostada. The fruit was hand-harvested, destemmed, and gently crushed before pressing. The majority of the juice fermented in stainless steel tanks with small…

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  • Livio Felluga 2021 Pinot Grigio Collio White 750ml

    Livio Felluga moved to Friuli in the late 1930s and made his home on the gentle foothills of Rosazzo. Convinced that only a rebirth of quality farming could bring the Friuli countryside back to life, he began to renovate the old vineyards of Rosazzo and plant new ones, introducing innovative…

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  • Lobo Negro 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon Mendoza 750ml

    Malbec is the king of Argentina. However, if you like rich, full wines with dark fruit flavors, then you might want to try the fruit-forward Cabernet Sauvignons from Argentina. The Cabs from Argentina are very similar to the Malbecs. Best of all, they are typically not expensive at all! The…

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  • Lobo Negro 2018 Malbec Nocturno Mendoza 750ml

    Extremely popular, Argentinian Malbec is an inky, medium-bodied, dry red wine with strong impressions of dark fruits on the nose and palate. This wine tends to have mellower tannins than its French counterpart. Heavily dependent on where they are grown for variations in flavor, Argentinian Malbec has quickly become a…

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