
2167 products
  • Lobo Negro 2020 Sweet Malbec Nocturno Mendoza 750ml

    Extremely popular, Argentinian Malbec is an inky, medium-bodied, dry red wine with strong impressions of dark fruits on the nose and palate. This wine tends to have mellower tannins than its French counterpart. Heavily dependent on where they are grown for variations in flavor, Argentinian Malbec has quickly become a…

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  • Lodali 2018 Lorens Barbera D’Alba 750ml

    Tasting notes: Red and black fruits, violet and Indian spice on the nose. Rich palate with liquorice and kirsch, uplifting zesty acidity and well integrated silky tannins. Lovely fruit concentration and purity. A well made wine which will benefit from ageing.

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  • Lodali 2022 Moscato D’Asti DOP 750ml

    Sweet, frizzante with floral and peach notes. This wine is from the Piedmont region of Italy and makes a wonderful accompaniment to many desserts, especially those made with fruit such as peach, pear, apple and berries.

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  • Lolli Sweet Red Spiked 750ml

    Fruity. Loud. Juicy like Saturday night. Lolli Sweet Spiked is a pop of flavor for moments that call for something bolder. A spiked rich red blend with hints of caramelized orange. Best served chilled, over ice with a side of fruit.

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    Longevity 2019 Chardonnay 750ml

    Ripe forward fruit and crisp acidity, paired with aging in French oak barrels provide the richness and complexity that round out this distinctive Chardonnay. The wine is bursting with aromas of apricot, pineapple Asian pear, sweet vanilla and butterscotch.

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  • Longevity 2023 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This medium brick, plum colored Cabernet highlights the varietal. Ripe Cabernet shines with intense black-cherry notes in this multi vineyard blend. The palate has a rustic fruit expression favoring dried cherry, cassis and pomegranate notes. The wine finishes with subtle oak notes yielding a light vanilla and cocoa finish. The…

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  • Longevity 2023 Chardonnay 750ml

    Ripe forward fruit and crisp acidity, paired with aging in French oak barrels provide the richness and complexity that round out this distinctive Chardonnay. The wine is bursting with aromas of apricot, pineapple Asian pear, sweet vanilla and butterscotch.

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    Longevity 2023 Rose of Pinot Noir 750ml

    Light in the glass and opens up with aromas of blueberry, pink grapefruit, cantalope and a light hint of rose petal. A crisp, refreshing mouthfeel accentuates the fresh fruit flavor of citrus, strawberry and blood orange. The wine finishes long and tangy.

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  • Loosen Bros Dr L 2022 Riesling Mosel 750ml

    Dr. Loosen’s non-estate wine embodies the elegant and racy style of classic Mosel Riesling. It is refreshing and fruity, with a fine mineral edge that is typical of the region. Dr. L Riesling is made with fruit that comes exclusively from traditional vineyards with steep slopes and slate soil. By…

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  • Loosen Bros Dr L 2023 Riesling Mosel 750ml

    Dr. Loosen’s non-estate wine embodies the elegant and racy style of classic Mosel Riesling. It is refreshing and fruity, with a fine mineral edge that is typical of the region. Dr. L Riesling is made with fruit that comes exclusively from traditional vineyards with steep slopes and slate soil. By…

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  • Loosen Bros Dr L Riesling Sparkling 750ml

    Sparkling wine has a long, rich tradition in Germany, where it has been called “Sekt” since the late 1800s. Dr. L Sparkling is 100% pure Riesling — the crisp, fruity grape that has made German wine famous for centuries. It is using the Charmat method, which produces bright, clean sparkling…

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  • Lopota Valley 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Cabernet Sauvignon grapes are grown in specific viticultural area of Napareuli Micro-zone, Kakheti ( East part of Georgia).  Wine is distinguished by deep purple color, with harmonic aromas of prune, ripe cherry and dark chocolate  It has balanced lingering aftertaste with elegant tannins.

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  • Los Vascos Cromas 2019 Carmenere Gran Reserva 750ml

    Domaines Barons de Rothschild, owners of First Growth Cahteau Lafite Rothschild, took over the Los Vascos estate in 1988, choosing Los Vascos because of its location near the ocean and its exceptional soil. Along with ideal weather conditions, Los Vascos benefits from intense exposure to the sun, adequate water sources,…

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  • Los Vascos Estate Grown 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The Los Vascos wines blend century old Lafite tradition with the unique terroir of Chile to create elegant wines that bring exceptional to the everyday. Looking to expand their estate the Domaines Barons de Rothchild (Lafite) their journey took them to South America in 1988, becoming the first French viticultural…

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  • Louis Jadot 2021 Rose 750ml

    Floral and fruity, with fresh notes of red currant and raspberry. Serve chilled as an aperitif or with salads, pasta dishes, grilled fish and cold meats.

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