
2167 products
  • Loveblock Tee 2021 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Here at Loveblock, we always make wine with lower levels of added sulphur, and TEE explores the elimination of added sulphur to wine (the traditional wine preservative). Oenological tannins are commonly used in the winemaking process to perform various functions. We found that the tannin extracted from green tea leaves…

    In stock (3)

  • Luc Belaire Gold Brut Sparkling 200ml

    Produced in Burgundy, France from fine Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes, Belaire Gold is stunning inside and out. Balanced and elegant, this classic cuvée is made with an organic sugarcane dosage, a historic touch dating back to the wines of the 1920s French Années folles, which adds a lovely length…

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  • Luc Belaire Gold Brut Sparkling 750ml

    Produced in Burgundy, France from fine Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes, Belaire Gold is stunning inside and out. Balanced and elegant, this classic cuvée is made with an organic sugarcane dosage, a historic touch dating back to the wines of the 1920s French Années folles, which adds a lovely length…

    In stock (8)

  • Luc Belaire Limited Bleu Sparkling 750ml

    Inspired by the French Riviera, Belaire Bleu has stunning aromas of fresh berries and tropical fruits balanced with an elegant roundness. Its spectacular sapphire color is inspired by the beautiful blue waters of the Côte d'Azur, and is ideal for dramatic cocktail making. Belaire Bleu is effortlessly drinkable, mixable, and…

    In stock (11)

  • Luc Belaire Luxe Rose Sparkling 750ml

    An ideal complement to the rest of the Belaire range, Luxe Rosé is made with a perfectly-balanced blend of Syrah, Grenache, and Cinsault from France’s best terroir and crafted by hand at our historic estate on the beautiful French Riviera. This lush pink wine is showcased in a crystal-clear glass…

    In stock (13)

  • Luc Belaire Rare Luxe Fantome Sparkling 750ml

    Experience the exquisite taste of Luc Belaire Rare Luxe Fantome, a premium Champagne & Sparkling Wine. This 750 ml bottle of luxury offers a unique blend of rich flavors, perfect for celebrations or indulgent evenings. The Fantome edition features a luminous label that glows in the dark, adding a touch…

    In stock (18)

  • Luc Belaire Rare Luxe Sparkling 375ml

    Indulge in true French luxury with the Luc Belaire Luxe, an extraordinary cuvee made from 100% Chardonnay in Burgundy and blended with an oak-aged dosage from Chablis, home to some of France’s most famous vineyards. TASTING NOTES Decadent yet refreshing, abounding in aromas of grapefruit, peach, apricot, honeysuckle and hints…

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  • Luc Belaire Rare Luxe Sparkling 750ml

    Indulge in true French luxury with our newest release, an extraordinary cuvée made from 100% Chardonnay in Burgundy and blended with an oak-aged dosage from Chablis, home to some of France’s most famous vineyards. Belaire Luxe is packaged in an opulent white & gold bottle, perfectly complementing the rich yet…

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  • Luc Belaire Rare Rose Sparkling 375ml

    Each bottle of BELAIRE ROSÉ is born in southeastern France's Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur region, the stunningly beautiful home of the famed coastal cities of Marseilles, Nice, Cannes, St. Tropez, Antibe, Grasse, Toulon - and the world's finest Rosé wines. BELAIRE ROSE is handcrafted from a blend of Grenache, Cinsault and Syrah…

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  • Luc Belaire Rare Rose Sparkling 750ml

    Each bottle of BELAIRE ROSÉ is born in southeastern France's Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur region, the stunningly beautiful home of the famed coastal cities of Marseilles, Nice, Cannes, St. Tropez, Antibe, Grasse, Toulon - and the world's finest Rosé wines. BELAIRE ROSE is handcrafted from a blend of Grenache, Cinsault and Syrah…

    In stock (9)

  • Luccio Moscato D’Asti 750ml

    Luccio Moscato d'Asti is fresh, fragrant, and frizzante with bright, floral aromas that give way to flavors of ripe stone fruit, tangerines, and honey. This wine is concentrated and flavorful, but not overly rich or heavy; sweet, yet balanced.

    In stock (15)

  • Lucien Albrecht Cremant D’Alsace Brut Rose 750ml

    Very mild temperatures in mid-April encouraged rapid budding and very strong vine growth. Mild and sunny flowering period produced grapes of a nice size - a good omen for the harvest conditions. An exceptionally sunny and hot summer followed. The wines of the 2018 vintage are characterized by structure and…

    In stock (8)

  • Lucien Crochet 2020 Sancerre Blanc 750ml

    Crisp, complex, elegant: Sancerre is a long-standing classic, and for good reason! Lucien Crochet is among the top sauvignon blanc producers in the world, and this wine is a perfect example of his distinctive style. Grapes come from vineyards in the village of Bue (primarily the Clos du Chene Marchand)…

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  • Lucien Crochet 2021 Sancerre La Croix Du Roy 750ml

    Domaine Lucien Crochet may be the top grower in the Sancerre village of Bué. That may not sound like much. How many of us obsess over the villages of Sancerre? How many can we even name? Chavignol, maybe, given its kimmeridgian limestone, superstar growers (the Cotats, Boulay and Vatan), and…

    In stock (2)

  • Luigi Bosca 2023 Malbec Mendoza 750ml

    As a tribute to the land and to those who work it, Luigi Bosca have worked more than 110 years to understand the intention of the vine. The passion of four generations of the same family, shown in Bodega Luigi Bosca’s collection, reflects the result of an ambitious effort started…

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