
2101 products
  • Marietta Cellars OVR Lot 72 Red Blend 750ml

    Winemaker Notes OVR Lot Number 72 is bright and juicy, with strawberry and black raspberry supported by savory notes of briar and slate. Fruity and fresh Zinfandel is given added complexity and length by barrel aged Syrah and Petite Sirah. A touch of Grenache and Barbera add a more complex…

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  • Marietta Cellars OVR Lot 73 Red 750ml

    The NV OVR Lot 73 is composed mainly of Zinfandel with smaller portions of Syrah, Petite Sirah, Carignan and Barbera. Medium ruby, it offers intense red cherry, blood orange and apricot perfume with accents of rooibos tea leaves, red licorice, saline, lilac and loads of spicy nuances. The medium-bodied palate…

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  • Mark Ryan Columbia Valley Old Vines 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

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  • Mark Ryan Red Mountain Lonely Heart 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Possessing the most length, depth and texture, the 2012 Lonely Heart Cabernet Sauvignon (which incorporates 10% Merlot) is a briliant wine that comes from three vineyards on Red Mountain: Quintessence, Ciel du Cheval and Force Majeure. Aged 21 months in 68% new French oak, it possesses loads of black raspberry…

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  • Mark Ryan Red Mountain Long Haul 2012 Red Blend 750ml

    Tasting Notes The 2012 Long Haul features more Cabernet Franc than any previous vintage, and the wine benefits greatly by the varietal’s larger contribution. More than any other wine in our portfolio, the Long Haul balances the broad-shouldered masculinity of its Red Mountain origins with the plush textures and nuanced…

    In stock (21)

  • Mark West 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Our 2021 Mark West Cabernet Sauvignon brims with layers of blueberry and blackberry preserves with hints of spice. Underlying note of toasted vanilla and caramel give the wine an elegance. The finish is rich and smooth with a lingering touch of dark plum.

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  • Mark West 2022 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Mark West Pinot Noir has lovely aromas of cherry and red currant that are complemented by notes of caramel with hints of vanilla and toasted oak. Our goal was to create a rounder mouthfeel and balance out the fruit notes with enhanced spice and savory notes. The wine finishes with…

    In stock (2)

  • Mark West 2023 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Mark West Pinot Noir has lovely aromas of cherry and red currant that are complemented by notes of caramel with hints of vanilla and toasted oak. Our goal was to create a rounder mouthfeel and balance out the fruit notes with enhanced spice and savory notes. The wine finishes with…

    In stock (133)

  • Mark West Black 2021 Central Coast Pinot Noir 750ml

    Mark West Black Pinot Noir sources grapes from the premier regions of the Central Coast in California. Dark, plush and rich in flavor, each glass has intense notes of black cherry, mocha, vanilla and caramel. Our full-bodied Pinot Noir pairs perfectly with grilled lamb chops and filet mignon.

    In stock (7)

  • Markham Vineyards 2021 Napa Valley Merlot 750ml

    Our Estate Vineyards provide the backbone to this vibrant Napa Valley Merlot. Aromas of ripe raspberry and plum jam emerge from the glass, enhanced by caramel notes from oak aging. A bright entry of red fruit flavors balanced by stunning minerality and notes of rich, velvety chocolate-covered cherries. A “Cab-Lovers”…

    In stock (12)

  • Marques de Caceres 2021 Verdejo White 750ml

    Winemaker Notes: Bright, greenish straw color. The nose revels its floral, mineral character with notes of citrus fruits (grapefruit). The Verdejo grape comes through with intense, clean, racy flavors of green apples and lemon peel. Critical Acclaim: James Suckling Lots of cooked apple and lanolin character on the nose and…

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  • Marques De Caceres 2022 Rose Rioja 750ml

    This everyday rosé's shiny pink color indicates it's still lively and fresh. Its cherry candy and chewing gum flavors are powdery and yeasty. Flavors of grapefruit and orange peel pervade the palate, feeling spunky on the finish.

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  • Marques De Murrieta 2020 Reserva Rioja 750ml

    The first impression of this Marqués de Murrieta 2020 is a miscellany of raspberry, blueberry and cherry aromas enhanced by hints of thyme, rosemary and sandalwood. Straightforward and precise with a juicy fruity profile, moulded by fine tannins and a fresh, pleasant finish.

    In stock (20)

  • Marquis De Goulaine 2021 Les Lorys Sancerre 750ml

    For over 1000 years, nobility, heritage and expertise have all combines here, offering in the Loire Valley a jewel of architecture and wines valued all world round. Today, Robert, the 11th Marquis de Goulaine, and his son Mathieu are in charge of preserving these timeless treasures. The first millenary of…

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  • Marquis De Goulaine 2022 Les Lorys Sancerre 750ml

    An expressive wine, with floral and fruity notes; slightly vegetal. The palate is fresh on the attack, really fleshy and full-bodied with typical Sauvignon characteristics of grass and lime. For over 1000 years, nobility, heritage and expertise have all combines here, offering in the Loire Valley a jewel of architecture…

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