
2167 products
  • Madai 2022 Mencia Origen Bierzo 750ml

    Bodegas Madai is owned by Gonzalo Amigo and brother Daniel. With both pursuing other successful careers, they hadn’t really considered owning a winery, but when the option of either selling or recovering their grandparents’ vineyards came up, they felt the latter was the only choice and Bodegas Madai was born.…

    In stock (12)

  • Maggy Hawk 2018 Jolie Pinot Noir 750ml

    Expressive, silky, and refined. Jolie opens with fresh aromas of red cherry, currants, tart strawberry and dried rose petals. The palate echoes the light red fruit aromas with an incredibly juicy texture upfront that is highlighted by balanced acidity and very subtle tannins that frame the edges.

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  • Maison Noir Horseshoes and Handgrenades Dundee Oregon Red Blend 750ml

    Horseshoes & Handgrenades is fruit-driven, full-bodied complex red blend sourced from Southern Oregon and Red Mountain Washington.  The rich, ripe, voluptuous fruit comes from Oregon Syrah with just enough Washington Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot to give it complexity and structure.  Think cherry pits and leather whips!

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  • Maison Sainte Marguerite 2023 Symphonie Cotes De Provence Rose 750ml

    With its finesse and freshness, Symphonie Rosé allows you to fully discover the style of the House's wines. On the palate, it reveals a beautiful freshness, great finesse and a pleasant zesty sensation, with substance and structure. It evolves towards a slightly spicy finish. Around a cuisine with southern accents:…

    In stock (6)

  • Malene 2021 Rose 750ml

    This wine is a very pale rose-gold color with brilliant clarity. The wine opens with classic aromas of watermelon rind and wild strawberry, and the first sip holds hints of exotic tropical fruits. The Mourvedre imparts a flinty minerality that adds complexity and elegance. The palate strikes a fine line…

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  • Malene 2022 Rose 750ml

    Bright and fresh with notes of fresh berries, watermelon, lychee, and stone fruit balanced by a vibrant acidity leading to a clean and refreshing finish. Malene Rosé can be enjoyed with a wide variety of foods such as linguine with chevre, herbs and tomatoes, asparagus risotto with lemon, chicken quesadillas…

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  • Mandragora Vinos de Pueblo Tragaldabas 2015 Red 750ml

    From the rugged mountains near the western border with Portugal, the Bodegas Mandragora is dedicated to preserving the very oldest, most remote, 'purest' tradition of winemaking in this deeply rural area. Using the local Rufete grape, the Tragaldabas wine has a bright, perfumed nose and texture similar to a Bourgogne…

    In stock (8)

  • Manni Nossing 2020 Kerner Sudtirol Eisacktaler DOC 750ml

    Manni Nössing's Alto Adige Valle Isarco Kerner is born in vineyards located on the hills close to the center of Bressanone, in the heart of the Valle Isarco. It is produced exclusively with Kerner grapes. After destemming and soft pressing, the grapes ferment partly in stainless steel tanks and partly…

    In stock (4)

  • Marchesi Antinori Tignanello 2021 Toscana Red 750ml

    Tignanello is the original Super Tuscan. This world-renowned wine was the first Sangiovese to be aged in small oak barrels, the first Italian red wine in modern times to use a non-traditional grape variety (Cabernet) in the blend, and among the first Italian red wines made in Chianti appellation with…

    In stock (148)

  • Marietta Arme Estate Grown 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Harvested in late September and early October and fermented for three weeks at temperatures in the 70s, these grapes yielded deep, intense wine that conveys a taut freshness with great aromatic purity. Balanced between modern California and Old World, this wine is dense with buckets of black currant…

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  • Marietta Cellars OVR Lot 72 Red Blend 750ml

    Winemaker Notes OVR Lot Number 72 is bright and juicy, with strawberry and black raspberry supported by savory notes of briar and slate. Fruity and fresh Zinfandel is given added complexity and length by barrel aged Syrah and Petite Sirah. A touch of Grenache and Barbera add a more complex…

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  • Marietta Cellars OVR Lot 73 Red 750ml

    The NV OVR Lot 73 is composed mainly of Zinfandel with smaller portions of Syrah, Petite Sirah, Carignan and Barbera. Medium ruby, it offers intense red cherry, blood orange and apricot perfume with accents of rooibos tea leaves, red licorice, saline, lilac and loads of spicy nuances. The medium-bodied palate…

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  • Mark Ryan Columbia Valley Old Vines 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

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  • Mark Ryan Red Mountain Lonely Heart 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Possessing the most length, depth and texture, the 2012 Lonely Heart Cabernet Sauvignon (which incorporates 10% Merlot) is a briliant wine that comes from three vineyards on Red Mountain: Quintessence, Ciel du Cheval and Force Majeure. Aged 21 months in 68% new French oak, it possesses loads of black raspberry…

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