
2112 products
  • Massaya Le Colombier 2019 Rouge 750ml

    The grapes for the Massaya Le Colombier are grown at an altitude of 900 to 1200 metres from vines of 40 years of age in the Bekaa Valley, once ravaged by the civil war in Lebanon. A blend of Grenache, Cinsault & Tempranillo, it has a wonderful deep colour with…

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  • Masseria Altemura Fiano 2017 White 750ml

    "Few people know that the Fiano variety was known to Frederick II of Swabia and to Charles I of Anjou as long ago as the 13th century, and that it was cultivated right here in the Salento area. The Zonin family has retrieved it from oblivion, finding in the soils…

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    Massican 2023 Annia California White 750ml

    Our flagship white wine blend sourced from small vineyards around the Napa Valley. They are harvested separately and fermented independently in French Oak and stainless steel tanks until blending six weeks before bottling. Smells like apple and citrus blossoms, honeysuckle, and wet stones. Tastes like lemons, peaches, and sea foam.

    In stock (12)

  • Massolino 2019 Barolo 750ml

    Garnet red color with variable intensity depending on the vintage. The grapes come from different sub-zones in Serralunga and this gives them a broad and variable spectrum of perfumes, ranging from tempting spicy notes to those of a sweeter, floral, and fruity nature. A variety of sensations, with a full-bodied,…

    In stock (6)

  • Massolino 2020 Dolcetto d’ Alba 750ml

    One of the most distinctive wines in this range, the Dolcetto d'Alba is a powerful wine that really shows the grip and intensity of Serralunga in its structural feel. Smoke, iron, incense, dark spice, menthol and licorice add character to a rich, flavorful Dolcetto that will shine at the dinner…

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  • Massolino 2022 Barbera d’ Alba 750ml

    Deep purplish, almost impenetrable red. Elegant, sweet, and tempting, the intense and fruity notes characteristic of Barbera emerge. Vinous, fresh, and well-balanced. An easy to drink wine which is tasty and rich without being excessively heavy. Perfect with Langhe cuisine and very tasty dishes in general. Excellent with pasts, rice,…

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  • Mastrojanni 2019 Brunello Di Montalcino DOCG 750ml

    An early winter characterized by very cold and dry months gave way to a cool spring, with abundant rainfall in May. These conditions slowed down the phenological phase of budding. The summer was hot, with temperatures never reaching excessive peaks and rain at the beginning of September. The harvest was…

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  • Mastrojanni 2019 Vigna Loreto Brunello Di Montalcino DOCG 750ml

    An early winter characterized by very cold and dry months gave way to a cool spring, with abundant rainfall in May. These conditions slowed down the phenological phase of budding. The summer was hot, with temperatures never reaching excessive peaks and rain at the beginning of September. The harvest was…

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  • Mastrojanni 2021 Rosso Di Montalcino DOC 750ml

    The brilliant ruby colour introduces an ample and articulated aroma with fruity notes of cherry and ripe plums, rich spicy fragrances and delicate balsamic hints. On the palate an enveloping and round entrance, with a tight tannic texture and a juicy and fresh acidity, widens up to a savory and…

    In stock (10)

  • Mastrojanni 2022 Rosso Di Montalcino DOC 750ml

    The brilliant ruby colour introduces an ample and articulated aroma with fruity notes of cherry and ripe plums, rich spicy fragrances and delicate balsamic hints. On the palate an enveloping and round entrance, with a tight tannic texture and a juicy and fresh acidity, widens up to a savory and…

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  • Matanzas Creek 2022 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Pale straw in appearance. Fresh aromas of ruby grapefruit, white peach, white lily, jasmine, and passion fruit. Fresh flavors of quince, honeydew melon, succulent pear, jasmine, and honey suckle. Exuberant featuring dense avors, this wine shows opulence and dances across the palate prompting salivation and a desire to…

    In stock (36)

  • Matchbook 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon Red Gravel Estate Bottled 750ml

    Matchbook Cabernet Sauvignon is an Estate Bottled wine grown, produced and bottled in the Dunnigan Hills, California. A blend of 3 classic Bordeaux varietals, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec and Petit Verdot, the wine opens with beautiful aromas of mocha, leather and toasty oak. Plush flavors of blackberry, vanilla, deep red fruit…

    In stock (7)

  • Matthews 2021 Columbia Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This Cabernet Sauvignon displays aromas of blackberry, cassis, and cedar. The palate is full-bodied, with flavors of dark fruit, tobacco, and dark chocolate. Firm tannins and well-integrated oak lead to a long, elegant finish. Pair it with grilled steak, lamb chops, or aged cheeses for a memorable dining experience.

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  • Matthews 2021 Columbia Valley Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    The 2020 Matthews Sauvignon Blanc was crafted using Sauvignon Blanc from select vineyards located in the Horse Heaven Hills of the Columbia Valley. Farmed using sustainable practices, the fruit was machine harvested in the early mornings around 7 am. Upon arriving at the winery, all the grapes were pressed and…

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  • Matua 2023 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    This classic Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is deliciously pure, bursting withripe lemon citrus notes and hints of passion fruit and basil. The palate isfresh and vibrant with concentrated blackcurrant leaf and a touch of classiccut grass and green melon. So refreshing, you'll be left wanting more.

    In stock (49)
