
2167 products
  • Martini & Rossi Asti Rose Sparkling 750ml

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  • Martini & Rossi Prosecco Sparkling 750ml

    Tasting Notes: Refreshingly dry slightly sparkling and made from the Prosecco grape. Well-balanced fruity taste with hints of apple peach and vanilla.

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  • Mary Taylor 2018 Bordeaux Rouge 750ml

    This “alternative” Bordeaux is populated by the small independent estates that line the banks of the Garonne and the Dordogne rivers, where conscientious growers craft honest bottles for everyday enjoyment rather than 1oo-point scores.

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  • Mary Taylor 2022 Bordeaux Blanc 750ml

    The word Bordeaux just screams iconic French wine. Images of baguette, cheese, foie gras, berets, and sexy French accents cloud the mind. Bordeaux feels like it should be dotted with family wineries with a rich history, but in the past few decades, it has become more known for mega-wineries and…

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  • Mary Taylor Pascal Biotteau 2018 Anjou Blanc 750ml

    Sourced from vineyards that fall exactly along the border of the two sub-regions of Anjou, this gorgeously subtle white from fourth-generation winemaker Pascal Biotteau comes from the village of Saint-Jean-de-Mauvrets, situated on the old Roman road from Angers to Poitiers.

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  • Masciarelli 2021 Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Rich and ripe dark cherry fruit, along with attractive spicy, smoky notes. Fleshy and full, with surprising depth and length. This wine is intended to be consumed in its youth and is a terrific complement to roasted meats, pastas and pizza – the ultimate trattoria wine.

    In stock (36)

  • Masciarelli 2022 Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Rich and ripe dark cherry fruit, along with attractive spicy, smoky notes. Fleshy and full, with surprising depth and length. This wine is intended to be consumed in its youth and is a terrific complement to roasted meats, pastas and pizza – the ultimate trattoria wine.

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  • Masciarelli Marina Cvetic Montepulciano 2020 Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 750ml

    Masciarelli is an Italian winery located in the Abruzzo region of central Italy. The winery is known for its commitment to producing high-quality wines that reflect the terroir of Abruzzo and the dedication of its founder, Gianni Masciarelli. Gianni Masciarelli played a significant role in elevating the reputation of Abruzzo…

    In stock (27)

  • Massaya Le Colombier 2018 Rouge 750ml

    Winemaker Notes A fresh, thirst-quenching wine for everyday drinking, distinguished by hints of spice and pepper. Drink when young to fully enjoy its fruit.

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  • Massaya Le Colombier 2019 Rouge 750ml

    The grapes for the Massaya Le Colombier are grown at an altitude of 900 to 1200 metres from vines of 40 years of age in the Bekaa Valley, once ravaged by the civil war in Lebanon. A blend of Grenache, Cinsault & Tempranillo, it has a wonderful deep colour with…

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  • Masseria Altemura Fiano 2017 White 750ml

    "Few people know that the Fiano variety was known to Frederick II of Swabia and to Charles I of Anjou as long ago as the 13th century, and that it was cultivated right here in the Salento area. The Zonin family has retrieved it from oblivion, finding in the soils…

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  • Massican 2023 Annia California White 750ml

    Our flagship white wine blend sourced from small vineyards around the Napa Valley. They are harvested separately and fermented independently in French Oak and stainless steel tanks until blending six weeks before bottling. Smells like apple and citrus blossoms, honeysuckle, and wet stones. Tastes like lemons, peaches, and sea foam.

    In stock (12)

  • Massolino 2019 Barolo 750ml

    Garnet red color with variable intensity depending on the vintage. The grapes come from different sub-zones in Serralunga and this gives them a broad and variable spectrum of perfumes, ranging from tempting spicy notes to those of a sweeter, floral, and fruity nature. A variety of sensations, with a full-bodied,…

    In stock (5)

  • Massolino 2020 Dolcetto d’ Alba 750ml

    One of the most distinctive wines in this range, the Dolcetto d'Alba is a powerful wine that really shows the grip and intensity of Serralunga in its structural feel. Smoke, iron, incense, dark spice, menthol and licorice add character to a rich, flavorful Dolcetto that will shine at the dinner…

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  • Massolino 2022 Barbera d’ Alba 750ml

    Deep purplish, almost impenetrable red. Elegant, sweet, and tempting, the intense and fruity notes characteristic of Barbera emerge. Vinous, fresh, and well-balanced. An easy to drink wine which is tasty and rich without being excessively heavy. Perfect with Langhe cuisine and very tasty dishes in general. Excellent with pasts, rice,…

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