
2112 products
  • Menage A Trois Midnight 2022 Dark Red Blend 750ml

    At Ménage à Trois, we’re not shy or inhibited; in fact, we’re known for creating wines that are bold and sensual—even a tad risqué. For our exciting limited-release wine, we pushed the boundaries even further. Midnight represents the dark side of Ménage à Trois—it’s our most intense expression yet, a…

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  • Menage A Trois Silk 2022 Soft Red Blend 750ml

    This red blend is very smooth and silky on the tounge. Bold flavors butnot dry this makes an excellent dinner red wine that will not break the bank. Succulent cherry and ripe raspberry flavors mingle with delicate hints of rose petals and toasty spice, and glide gracefully across your palate…

    In stock (56)

  • Mendel 2020 Malbec 750ml

    The aromas of sweet French oak and espresso get more complex with every swirl of the glass, unveiling black plum, ripe raspberry, and violet aromas. The wine is full-bodied, dense, deep and chewy with flavors of black raspberry, plums, roasted herbs, and mint.

    In stock (3)

  • Mendel 2021 Semillon 750ml

    Enjoy fresh, clean citric and herbal notes. Flavors of citrus, tropical fruit, coconut, and caramel are elegant and soft on the palate. A lovely dose of crisp acidity provides a texture similar to that of Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc combined. A super dry and clean finish may make this the…

    In stock (8)

  • Mendel 2022 Semillon 750ml

    From high altitudes in Argentina and old logs, the grapes come to Mendel Sémillon. The vineyard locations Altamira, La Consulta and San Carlos were planted in 1942 and are located a full 1,100 meters above sea level, which means large differences in temperature between day and night. The cool nights…

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  • Mer Soleil 2019 Silver Chardonnay 750ml

    The ceramic bottle is inspired by the cement vessels that are used during the fermentation process of this Chardonnay. This wine sees no wood, helping to maintain the bright fruit characters and minerality produced from the grapes in the Mer Soleil Vineyard.

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  • Mer Soleil Reserve Monterey 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    A gorgeous, luxurious Californian Chardonnay with aromas of butterscotch, toffee, golden apple and peach. Full-bodied with a long finish. I first had this wine at the California Grill restaurant at Disney, and it is as magical now as that memory is to me. Pair with grilled or roasted chicken, smoked…

    In stock (11)

  • Mer Soleil Reserve Santa Lucia Highlands 2017 Pinot Noir 750ml

    A rich, deep red – the color of Bing cherries – this wine opens with scents of dark berries, pomace, and the woodiness of a hiking path in a redwood forest. Soft, powdery traces of old-fashioned lipstick add an intriguing element to the nose. Entry is smooth, with bright cherry…

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  • Mercat Brut Cava Rose Sparkling 750ml

    Mercat is a selection of plots with vines ranging from 15-40 years old, planted on calcerous and clay soils. In addition to the traditional varietals of the Penedès, Mercat Rosé includes a small amount of Monastrell to give the wine its pale color and hint of red fruits. The wine…

    In stock (15)

  • Mercer Bros 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Aromas of blackberry, marionberry & toasted brioche with hints of brown sugar and warm baking spices. Powdery tannins lend structure while maintaining elegance and ending in a long, lingering finish.

    In stock (9)

  • Merryvale 2017 Starmont Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes In the continued quest to deliver impressive quality at a reasonable price, we have moved our vineyard sourcing beyond the confines of Napa Valley. In addition to familiar vineyards in Napa, we have also found high quality vineyards in exciting AVAs such as the Red Hills in Lake…

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  • Merryvale 2018 Starmont Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes In the continued quest to deliver impressive quality at a reasonable price, we have moved our vineyard sourcing beyond the confines of Napa Valley. In addition to familiar vineyards in Napa, we have also found high quality vineyards in exciting AVAs such as the Red Hills in Lake…

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  • Mettler Family Vineyards 2019 Albarino 750ml

    Our 2019 Albariño breathes mango and citrus with a whisper of minerality. On the palate, vibrant flavors of apple, nectarine and honeydew are accented with a hint of orange blossom. The zippy acidity is balanced by a subtle richness in the mouthfeel, bringing depth to this well-rounded wine, which finishes…

    In stock (8)

  • Michael And David Seven Deadly Zins Lodi 2021 Zinfandel 750ml

    Full and rich with flavors of black cherry, currants, olive tapenade and exotic spices.

    In stock (63)

  • Michael David 2019 Chardonnay 750ml

    Handcrafted from our family’s vineyards, our Chardonnay is a fusion of style. From numerous hand pickings throughout the ripening period, our winemakers produce three distinct Chardonnays that are later blended into a final wine just prior to bottling.  From a crisp, fruit driven style fermented and aged in stainless steel,…

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