
2112 products
  • Michael David 2019 Lodi Zin Old Vine 750ml

    Hailing from the heart of Zinfandel country, Lodi Zin is the second wine in a lineup that pays homage to our hometown roots. Following the national release of Lodi Red in 2020, this Zinfandel was created to compliment a wonderful meal, but is just as great all on its own.…

    In stock (12)

  • Michael David 2020 Earthquake Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Over the top and shattering to the veins, these wines possess major concentration and daring flavor. The original is the Earthquake Zin which came from an old Lodi vineyard planted around the same time of San Francisco's great Earthquake of 1906. While mulling over a label name in the vineyard,…

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  • Michael David 2020 Lodi Red Blend 750ml

    Embodying our family spirit and hometown roots, our 2020 Lodi Red offers a fruit forward bouquet of blackberry, raspberry and elderberry on the nose. Medium bodied and food-friendly, flavors of sweet cherry, blackberry pie and cassis round out the wine with a lingering finish that will have you reaching for…

    In stock (10)

  • Michael David 2020 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Lychee fruit, lemon zest and honeydew melon showcase the citrus-laced bouquet of this 2019 Sauvignon Blanc. Light in body with pleasant acidity, flavors of Asian pear, pineapple and apricot make for a crisp, refreshing, summertime white wine!

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  • Michael David 2021 Earthquake Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Over the top and shattering to the veins, these wines possess major concentration and daring flavor. The original is the Earthquake Zin which came from an old Lodi vineyard planted around the same time of San Francisco's great Earthquake of 1906. While mulling over a label name in the vineyard,…

    In stock (8)

  • Michael David 2021 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Lychee fruit, lemon zest and honeydew melon showcase the citrus-laced bouquet of this 2019 Sauvignon Blanc. Light in body with pleasant acidity, flavors of Asian pear, pineapple and apricot make for a crisp, refreshing, summertime white wine!

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  • Michael David 2021 Sixth Sense Syrah 750ml

    A claimed favorite varietal to both Michael and David Phillips, Syrah was first planted by the brothers in 1982 after falling in love with wines produced from the grape on a trip through southern France. This vineyard, located just a hop, a skip and a jump from the winery, is…

    In stock (29)

  • Michael David Freakshow 2019 Zinfandel 750ml

    A new act has joined our band of Freaks - The Dazzling Fire Mistress that is Freakshow Zin! The third installment in the Freakshow lineup - following a Cabernet Sauvignon and a Red Blend - pays homage to our roots in Lodi, a region known for exceptional Zinfandel. Typically known…

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  • Michael David Freakshow 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The first star in the Freakshow series, this Cabernet Sauvignon is bold and muscular with poise and grace! Raspberry, plum, and toasted vanilla aromas open the show leaving you wanting more. Full bodied showcasing flavors of red cherry, hints of floral and dark fruit with tannins coming through…

    In stock (3)

  • Michael David Freakshow 2021 Red Blend 750ml

    This wine is FREAKing amazing! Over each vintage, the intensity has been kicked up exponentially. This 4th incarnation has more of everything...more depth, more ripe fruit, more pizazz! Nicely balanced with fruit (pomegranate) and oak (showing some smoke). Bing cherry, toasted French vanilla bean and a hint of juniper berry…

    In stock (20)

  • Michael David Freakshow 2022 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Known for taking the road less traveled, Michael David Winery has always stood apart from the crowd. Whether it be their outlandish brands and packaging or their quirky personalities, Michael and David are definitely on a stage of their own and this wine showcases just that. The fruit for this…

    In stock (21)

  • Michael David Inkblot 2020 Lodi Petite Sirah 750ml

    Known for giving a platform to grapes that are usually used as “blending varietals,” the newest addition to our Inkblot family is none other than Petite Sirah. A favorite among our winemakers, Petite Sirah can be found in many of our wines for its concentration and color, but as a…

    In stock (5)

  • Michael David Inkblot 2021 Lodi Cabernet Franc 750ml

    The first Lodi Cabernet Franc wine ever produced by Michael David Winery, and one of the few produced from Lodi. This varietal originated from the Bordeaux and Loire Valley regions of France and has been grown with success in many other countries. The grapes for this wine come from a…

    In stock (48)

  • Michael David Petite Petit 2020 Red Blend 750ml

    85 percent Petite Sirah 15 percent Petit Verdot. The spitting image of its older mate in every way, the latest Petite Petit is again a very ripe and accessible wine that stands out from the varietal crowd by dint of its lushness and sweet fruit. There is nothing about it…

    In stock (11)
