
2167 products
  • Meiomi 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    Meiomi Chardonnay embodies the character of California's most notable coastal wine regions. Unifying the unique characters from each region allows this Chardonnay to distinguish itself as an elegant, balanced Chardonnay fully formed.

    In stock (7)

  • Meiomi 2021 Pinot Noir 750ml

    The wine owes much of its complexity to its varied upbringing, unifying grapes from California's most notable winegrowing regions. Meiomi® Pinot Noir brings you structure and depth seldom seen in a Pinot Noir wine, thanks to its unique and meticulous aging process. Aged for six months in French oak barrels,…

    In stock (14)

  • Meiomi 2021 Red Blend 750ml

    Meiomi Red Blend Red Wine is a well-balanced, richly flavored, and deliciously complex bottled wine. This deep ruby red California wine opens to reveal lifted aromas of dark, jammy fruit and sweet vanilla with a hint of expressive dark roast mocha and juicy blackberry flavors. A delicious red wine made…

    In stock (12)

  • Meiomi 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    Meiomi Chardonnay White Wine is an elegant California wine with smooth layers of tropical fruit, citrus, and apple. This aged white wine pairs well with cheese, roasted chicken, fresh crab, and pasta.

    In stock (25)

  • New

    Meiomi 2022 Pinot Noir 750ml

    The wine owes much of its complexity to its varied upbringing, unifying grapes from California's most notable winegrowing regions. Meiomi® Pinot Noir brings you structure and depth seldom seen in a Pinot Noir wine, thanks to its unique and meticulous aging process. Aged for six months in French oak barrels,…

    In stock (84)

  • Meiomi Bright 2021 Pinot Noir 750ml

    The same full flavor Pinot Noir you love, now with lower alcohol* and fewer calories** At only 90 calories** per glass and 8% alcohol by volume, Meiomi Bright Pinot Noir is a lower-alcohol*, full-bodied Pinot Noir with a fruity character, silky texture, and balanced acidity. Embodying the characteristics of California’s…

    In stock (14)

  • Menage A Trois 2020 Red Table 750ml

    Our Ménage à Trois Red wine exposes the fresh, ripe, jam like fruit that is the calling card of California wine. Add pink to your cheeks with bold blackberry and ripe raspberry flavors and firm tannins.

    In stock (2)

  • Menage A Trois 2021 Red 750ml

    Our Ménage à Trois Red wine exposes the fresh, ripe, jam like fruit that is the calling card of California wine. Add pink to your cheeks with bold blackberry and ripe raspberry flavors and firm tannins.

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  • Menage A Trois 2022 Red 750ml

    Our Ménage à Trois Red wine exposes the fresh, ripe, jam like fruit that is the calling card of California wine. Add pink to your cheeks with bold blackberry and ripe raspberry flavors and firm tannins.

    In stock (52)

  • Menage A Trois Lavish 2018 Merlot 750ml

    From the Winemaker We vow to make a grand impression. We’ll seduce your senses with a voluptuous Merlot like no other. You’ll be wooed by the way our ripe blueberries and juicy black plums flirt endlessly with dark cocoa, while the thrill of vanilla and our smooth, chocolaty finish gives…

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  • Menage A Trois Midnight 2022 Dark Red Blend 750ml

    At Ménage à Trois, we’re not shy or inhibited; in fact, we’re known for creating wines that are bold and sensual—even a tad risqué. For our exciting limited-release wine, we pushed the boundaries even further. Midnight represents the dark side of Ménage à Trois—it’s our most intense expression yet, a…

    In stock (1)

  • Menage A Trois Silk 2022 Soft Red Blend 750ml

    This red blend is very smooth and silky on the tounge. Bold flavors butnot dry this makes an excellent dinner red wine that will not break the bank. Succulent cherry and ripe raspberry flavors mingle with delicate hints of rose petals and toasty spice, and glide gracefully across your palate…

    In stock (41)

  • Mendel 2020 Malbec 750ml

    The aromas of sweet French oak and espresso get more complex with every swirl of the glass, unveiling black plum, ripe raspberry, and violet aromas. The wine is full-bodied, dense, deep and chewy with flavors of black raspberry, plums, roasted herbs, and mint.

    In stock (2)

  • Mendel 2021 Semillon 750ml

    Enjoy fresh, clean citric and herbal notes. Flavors of citrus, tropical fruit, coconut, and caramel are elegant and soft on the palate. A lovely dose of crisp acidity provides a texture similar to that of Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc combined. A super dry and clean finish may make this the…

    In stock (8)

  • Mendel 2022 Semillon 750ml

    From high altitudes in Argentina and old logs, the grapes come to Mendel Sémillon. The vineyard locations Altamira, La Consulta and San Carlos were planted in 1942 and are located a full 1,100 meters above sea level, which means large differences in temperature between day and night. The cool nights…

    In stock (3)
