
2150 products
  • Badia a Coltibuono 2021 Chianti Classico 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The estate Chianti Classico is central in representing Badia a Coltibuono's vision and relationship with its place and its history. Using the traditional blend of Sangiovese and complementary varieties, as well as propagating vines the traditional way - by massal selection - has always been the backbone of…

    In stock (12)

  • Baileyana 2020 Firepeak Chardonnay 750ml

    Our Firepeak Chardonnay you know and love has gotten a new look and will now be known as our Edna Valley Chardonnay. This Chardonnay exudes effortless elegance with aromas of lavender and citrus that develop into luscious flavors of grilled cinnamon peaches and ripe tropical fruits. Hints of minerality emphasize…

    In stock (6)

  • Banatski Rizling White 1L

    Banat Riesling is one of the legendary wines of the former Yugoslavia and the symbol of Vršac vineyards. You can enjoy Banat Riesling by drinking it, but it is often mixed with soda water to create a “schpritzer”.

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  • Banfi 2018 Rosso Di Montalcino 750ml

    Intense ruby red in color with violet reflections. Fresh bouquet with typical varietal characteristics of violet, cherry, and plum. Full and elegant in taste, with a surprisingly long finish.

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  • Banfi 2019 Brunello Di Montalcino

    Subtle aromas of scorched earth, forest floor and mature berries mingle with a eucalyptus note. The full-bodied palate features cherry marinated in spirits, prune, roasted coffee bean and licorice framed in close-grained tannins. You'll also notice the warmth of alcohol on the close. While it reflects the heat of the…

    In stock (16)

  • Banfi 2019 Chianti Classico Riserva 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Rich bouquet of cherries, plums, and iris. Deep cherry and leather flavors with subtle wood notes. Supple tannins, good acidity, and a lingering finish. Perfect with flavorful roasts, pastas, and cheeses

    In stock (12)

  • Banfi 2019 Rosso Di Montalcino 750ml

    Intense ruby red in color with violet reflections. Fresh bouquet with typical varietal characteristics of violet, cherry, and plum. Full and elegant in taste, with a surprisingly long finish.

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  • Banfi Centine 2021 Red Blend 750ml

    Luscious berry and ripe cherry on the nose. Hints of vanilla and fresh herbs on the palate. Soft tannins and great acidity balance out this enticing red. Particularly versatile, easy drinking Centine Rosso marries with everthing! Delicious with pasta, grilled and roasted meats, burgers, barbecue and even spicy seafood dishes!

    In stock (1)

  • Banfi Centine 2022 Red Blend 750ml

    Centine, pronounced CHEN tee nay, takes its name from a 19th century farmhouse on the Castello Banfi vineyard estate and represents the gateway to Banfi wines. This entryway is depicted on the label with the winding road, lined by Cyprus trees leading up to the 12th Century Castello.

    In stock (12)

  • Banfi Chianti Superiore 2020 Chianti 750ml

    Balanced wine, characterized by fresh and fruity notes. In the mouth it is distinguished by its softness which is however well balanced by a good acidity. Rich and persistent finish on the palate.

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  • Banfi Chianti Superiore 2022 Chianti 750ml

    Celebrating the best Tuscan tradition Banfi offers a family of Chianti wines varied and complementary, unique in its style. Banfi Chianti Superiore, crafted to the meticulous profile of our estate, is pleasingly smooth and satisfying with its clean and distinctive flavors.

    In stock (25)

  • Banfi Chianti Superiore 2021 Chianti 750ml

    Balanced wine, characterized by fresh and fruity notes. In the mouth it is distinguished by its softness which is however well balanced by a good acidity. Rich and persistent finish on the palate.

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  • Banfi Classico 2021 Chianti 750ml

    Chianti is produced in eight adjacent, yet distinct, areas that cover a vast part of central Tuscany. But only one, which is the oldest and original, may produce Chianti Classico. However, provenance alone is not sufficient to merit the designation Chianti Classico. The producer must strictly adhere to all DOCG…

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  • Banfi Classico 2022 Chianti 750ml

    Raspberry, cherry, currant and thyme flavors align with the succulent profile in this vivid red. Iron and tobacco notes add detail as this builds to the long, resonant finish, where dusty tannins reign. Sangiovese, Canaiolo Nero and Cabernet Sauvignon.

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  • Banfi La Pettegola 2022 Vermentino Toscana IGT 750ml

    La Pettegola’s translation take on a double meaning. The first representing the name of the coastal sea birds and the second meaning, the gossiper. Think of the sweet little old ladies in the square chatting about the goings-on of town. Once you taste it, everyone will be talking about La…

    In stock (4)
