
2114 products
  • Monte Antico 2016 Toscana 750ml

    Winemaker Notes A true Tuscan classic! Deep ruby color with garnet reflections and an elegant bouquet of leather, black cherries, licorice and plums; a medium to a full-bodied palate, rich in ripe red fruit, goût de terroir, subtle notes of vanilla and violet that are well-integrated with the soft tannins…

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  • Montes Cherub 2018 Rose 750ml

    Delicious fresh red fruit aromas such as raspberries, strawberries, and pomegranate predominate on the surprisingly intense nose, along with subtle notes of tropical fruit recalling pineapple and mango that lend a cheerful character, all rounded out with a delicate floral touch, resulting in a charming aromatic profile for our Cherub.…

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  • Montes Cherub 2021 Rose

    Delicious fresh red fruit aromas such as raspberries, strawberries, and pomegranate predominate on the surprisingly intense nose, along with subtle notes of tropical fruit recalling pineapple and mango that lend a cheerful character, all rounded out with a delicate floral touch, resulting in a charming aromatic profile for our Cherub.…

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  • Montes Purple Angel 2020 Red Blend 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Impressive deep purplish-red in color. The aromas are complex, with pronounced blackberry and ripe blueberry fruit. There is also dried plum, cooked cherry and candied fruit. The 18 months of aging in French oak gives a complex nose of toasted aromas, nuts, sweet spice, and touches of dairy…

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  • Montinore Estate 2020 Willamette Valley Oregon Pinot Noir 750ml

    A consistently well-crafted Pinot Noir at a great price, the 2019 vintage of “Red Cap” is no exception. Vibrant aromas of Bing cherry, red plum, stewed fruit and a whiff of geranium introduce a mouthful of Marionberry, cherry and sundried tomato. The palate is smooth and the structure has gumption,…

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  • Moraza 2016 Tempranillo Rioja 750ml

    Biodynamic Tempranillo with low sulfite usage from Rioja.  Rare is the Rioja that’s vinified with natural methods in the vineyard and the cellar – but alas, here is a great example. Partial carbonic maceration and fermentation in concrete vats allows for a great deal of lightness and freshness even for…

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  • Morgan 2022 Twelve Clones Santa Lucia Highlands Pinot Noir 750ml

    The Twelve Clones Pinot Noir is drawn from the finest vineyards of the Santa Lucia Highlands appellation, including Morgan’s organic Double L estate — which, in the 2022 vintage, accounted for 67% of the final blend. The Twelve Clones designation denotes the original, diverse pinot plantings at the Double L.…

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  • Mount Veeder Winery 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 750ml

    Deep ruby color. Deep cherry, plum, and vanilla intertwine with beautiful hints of anise and caramel. Additional notes of dark chocolate and cassis linger on the nose. Dark cherry and berry pie flavors combine with hints of rosemary and bay, perfectly complementing complex notes of allspice and vanilla. A smooth,…

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  • Mouton Noir Oregogne 2014 Chardonnay 750ml

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  • Mt Brave Mount Veeder 2019 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Grown on the rocky slopes of Mt. Veeder, the 2019 Cabernet shows notes of black cherry, blueberry, and Asian spice. On the palate, the wine has a profound density of fruit that is structured by fine tannins while the perfectly balanced acidity elongates a long savory finish. Blend: 90% Cabernet…

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  • Sale

    Mt. Brave 2018 Cabernet Franc 750ml

    Incredibly focused and defined, this pure Cabernet Franc showcases aromas of black tea, boysenberry, and anise. Loaded with dense fruit and spice on the palate, the full-bodied wine has beautifully balanced acidity and ripe, uber-fine tannins. Stunning out of the gate, this wine should provide cellaring rewards for years to…

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    Original price was: $89.97.Current price is: $79.97.
  • Mud House 2021 Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 750ml

    Another big brand Sauvignon that came good when tasted blind against wines from all over the world. Elegant flavours of lime pith, gooseberries and green apple rind. Flows discreetly across the palate - refreshing, food-friendly, really easy-going for the summer.

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  • Mulderbosch 2019 Faithful Hound Stellenbosch 750ml

    Alluring earthy aromas at first, brambleberry, boysenberry and cassis later. Cinnamon, bay leaves and cocoa leading the nose to the palate.

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  • Mumm Brut Prestige Napa Sparkling 750ml

    Mumm Sparkling Brut Prestige blends Mumm’s expertise making traditional method sparkling wines with high-quality, cool-climate grapes from throughout the state of California to make a fresh sparkling wine with ripe fruit flavors in the signature Mumm style.

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