
2114 products
  • Murielle Blueberry & Pinot Noir Infusion 750ml

    Here is where sideways meets the high bush country! One of our retail clients said this wine "Blue" her away, it was that good. We agree. The Pinot Noir is exactly as you would expect: a slight kiss of sweetness with a delightful dip of cherry and spice. The blueberry…

    In stock (17)

  • Murielle Dragon Fruit Blush 750ml

    The Blushing Dragon is one of our newest wines. We blended a White Shiraz with the Exotic Dragon Fruit (AKA Cactus Pear).  Blushing Dragon is a pink wine with a big taste. Subtle spicing from the White Shiraz blends well with the sweetness of the Dragon Fruit. Blushing Dragon is…

    In stock (21)

  • Murielle Pineapple Pear & Pinot Grigio 750ml

    A tropical blend of juicy ripe pineapple and pear are the basics for what makes up this unique wine. 8.5% ABV

    In stock (11)

  • New

    Murielle Wildberry Wine 750ml

    Previously known as 3-Berry, this wonderfully “wild” wine brings out the fresh taste of Boysenberry, Blackberry, and Raspberry with every sip.

    In stock (12)

  • Murphy Goode 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Our California Cabernet Sauvignon is a great varietal expression of one of our tried and true wines. Look forward to aromas and flavors of black cherry with a hint of black licorice. The finish will add notes of chocolate, vanilla, and just a touch of toast.

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  • Murphy Goode 2019 Liar’s Dice Zinfandel 750ml

    Murphy-Goode's Liar's Dice is a juicy expression of a classic California Zinfandel. Fresh aromatics of vanilla and cedar with juicy flavors of black raspberry, black cherry and blackberry jam. This wine is made to be a second glass Zin! If you have one, you are sure to have a second.…

    In stock (9)

  • Murphy Goode 2022 North Coast Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Murphy-Goode's Liar's Dice is a juicy expression of a classic California Zinfandel. Fresh aromatics of vanilla and cedar with juicy flavors of black raspberry, black cherry and blackberry jam. This wine is made to be a second glass Zin! If you have one, you are sure to have a second.…

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  • My Favorite Neighbor 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    A homage to Stephan Asseo of L’Aventure Winery became an obsession. Sourced from exceptional vineyard sites around Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo and south to Edna Valley, this wine is cultivated meticulously by the farmers who have become My Favorite Neighbors. With their dedication to the land, we are able…

    In stock (2)

  • Mylonas Winery Retsina 750ml

    Retsina is love-it-or-hate-it, usually associated with intense pine resin and acetone notes. This is a very subtle, modern take on this quintessential Greek wine. On the nose it is almost like a grassy sauvignon blanc. There is a clean mineral palate with punchy high acidity, followed by a long, savory…

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  • Mystic Andes Reserva 2017 Malbec 750ml

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  • Nalewka Babuni Black Currant 750ml

    Nalewka Babuni Black Currant is an apple wine with neutral grain spirits, natural black currant flavor and caramel color. Thanks to its exceptional taste, it quickly won the unquestionable leading position among top-grade desserts wines in Poland.

    In stock (8)

  • Nalewka Babuni Cherry 750ml

    Light, delicate and sweet alcoholic beverage with a slightly tart note which lets you enjoy the taste of sweet cherries throughout the year. It is made according to the principles of fruit wine production: after alcoholic fermentation, the wine clarifies, matures and is eventually bottled. Produced according to carefully devised…

    In stock (8)

  • Nalewka Babuni Honey 750ml

    An exquisite Old Polish liquor having a natural full taste aroma of honey Thanks to its exceptional taste, it quickly won the unquestionable leading position among top-grade desserts wines in Poland.

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  • Nalewka Babuni Raspberry 750ml

    Six generations have enjoyed the fine flavors and exquisite aromas of the Nalewka Babuni fruit wines. In Poland, which abounds in all kinds of fruit noted for excellent taste and nutritive values, the production of fruit wines is flourishing. Nalewka Babuni wines are made of top-grade, ripe fruit, and this…

    In stock (9)

  • Natura 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    In mid-April the organically grown grapes are hand-picked. Post crush, the must is placed in a temperature-controlled stainless steel fermentation tanks for a cold soak prior to undergoing alcoholic fermentation with gentle low-volume. At this time, the wine then undergoes malolactic fermentation. For 6 months, 20% of this wine is…

    In stock (8)
