
2160 products
  • My Favorite Neighbor 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    A homage to Stephan Asseo of L’Aventure Winery became an obsession. Sourced from exceptional vineyard sites around Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo and south to Edna Valley, this wine is cultivated meticulously by the farmers who have become My Favorite Neighbors. With their dedication to the land, we are able…

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  • Mylonas Winery Retsina 750ml

    Retsina is love-it-or-hate-it, usually associated with intense pine resin and acetone notes. This is a very subtle, modern take on this quintessential Greek wine. On the nose it is almost like a grassy sauvignon blanc. There is a clean mineral palate with punchy high acidity, followed by a long, savory…

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  • Mystic Andes Reserva 2017 Malbec 750ml

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  • Nalewka Babuni Black Currant 750ml

    Nalewka Babuni Black Currant is an apple wine with neutral grain spirits, natural black currant flavor and caramel color. Thanks to its exceptional taste, it quickly won the unquestionable leading position among top-grade desserts wines in Poland.

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  • Nalewka Babuni Cherry 750ml

    Light, delicate and sweet alcoholic beverage with a slightly tart note which lets you enjoy the taste of sweet cherries throughout the year. It is made according to the principles of fruit wine production: after alcoholic fermentation, the wine clarifies, matures and is eventually bottled. Produced according to carefully devised…

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  • Nalewka Babuni Honey 750ml

    An exquisite Old Polish liquor having a natural full taste aroma of honey Thanks to its exceptional taste, it quickly won the unquestionable leading position among top-grade desserts wines in Poland.

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  • Nalewka Babuni Raspberry 750ml

    Six generations have enjoyed the fine flavors and exquisite aromas of the Nalewka Babuni fruit wines. In Poland, which abounds in all kinds of fruit noted for excellent taste and nutritive values, the production of fruit wines is flourishing. Nalewka Babuni wines are made of top-grade, ripe fruit, and this…

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  • Natura 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    In mid-April the organically grown grapes are hand-picked. Post crush, the must is placed in a temperature-controlled stainless steel fermentation tanks for a cold soak prior to undergoing alcoholic fermentation with gentle low-volume. At this time, the wine then undergoes malolactic fermentation. For 6 months, 20% of this wine is…

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  • New Age Sweet White 750ml

    A blend of 90% Torrontes and 10% Sauvignon Blanc, the grapes that go into New Age White are hand-picked from sustainably farmed vineyards across Argentina’s San Rafael wine region. Selected yeasts are added to the freshly pressed juice to begin the fermentation which is halted halfway through by spinning the…

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  • Newton Mt Veeder 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The 2014 Mount Veeder was a selection of blocks 203, 209, 212, 231, 240 with an average vine age of 17 years. Once harvested, the grapes were hand-sorted to inspect individual berries. The must was then fermented in separate lots and barrel aged for 12 months before being blended and…

    In stock (4)

  • Newton Skyside Sonoma County 2015 Claret 750ml

    Skyside" is the new brand name for Newton's wines that have long been been known as "Red Label." The 2015 Claret is a big-time winner with a very warm and inviting array of fruit forward flavors such as ripe black cherries, red raspberries, plum and a touch of cassis. It…

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  • Newton Spring Mountain District Napa Valley 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

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  • Newton Yountville Napa Valley 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The 2014 Yountville was a selection of blocks 304, 311, 312 with an average vine age of 18 years. Once harvested, the grapes were hand-sorted to inspect individual berries. The must was then fermented in separate lots and barrel aged for 12 months before being blended and returned to barrel…

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  • New

    Nickel & Nickel 2022 DeCarle Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley Rutherford 750ml

    The beginning of the 2022 growing season was exceptionally mild, with bud break kicking off in March. By May, the vines began to demonstrate strong shoot growth and average crop yields ahead of veraison in mid- July. While we welcomed a few heat spikes during the summer months, our proactive…

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  • Nickel & Nickel 2021 CC Ranch Napa Valley Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Wonderful crunchy black and blue fruits with violets, eucalyptus and nutmeg with cocoa powder and subtle pencil shaving notes. Very finely grained juicy tannins with refreshing acidity that cleanses the palate. Full- to medium-bodied yet polished and balanced. Shows beautiful drinkability but it will go much further with age. -…

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