
2114 products
  • Noah Bramaterra 2013 Red 750ml

    A blend of 80 Nebbiolo 5 Croatina, 5% uva Raro and 5% Vespolina, vines over 50 years old from another little town in the northern Piedmont, Villa Del Bosco. A good amount of red licorice spice, an array of dried flowers, cardamom, very exotic with a good amount of red…

    In stock (13)

  • Noble House 2016 Eiswein Dessert 375ml

    Eiswein is very limited since it can only be picked in the northern cool climate zones. This wine is lean and racy with a laser-beam of candied citrus, dried apricot, and smoky mineral notes, with a crisp, tangy finish.

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  • Noble Vines 2017 Monterey 152 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    The Noble Vines 152 Pinot Grigio showcases vibrant aromas of pear, green apple and citrus blossoms. Medium-bodied with a round mid-palate and crisp acidity, this refreshing Pinot Grigio offers distinguished flavors of white peach, lemon curd, cantaloupe and a hint of minerality on the palate, before extending into a lively,…

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  • Noble Vines 2018 Marquis Red Blend 750ml

    WINEMAKING Marquis Red is a full-bodied red.  Grown in the warm inland valleys of California, generous heat during the peak summer months allowed for full ripening, while a cool blanket of fog slipped through the vineyards every evening keeping temperatures cool, producing a lush and well-balanced wine. Aged in American…

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  • Noble Vines 337 Lodi 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Noble Vines 337 Cabernet Sauvignon exhibits lively aromas of black cherry, ripe currant, fresh herbs and lightly roasted coffee. Supple tannins and balanced acidity support core flavors of blackberry, black cherry and toasty oak, intertwined with spicy black pepper accents. It is rich and complex, and so may be enjoyed…

    In stock (22)

  • Notorious Pink 2021 Grenache Rose 750ml

    Notorious Pink is a special blush cuvée made from 100% Grenache, the leading grape varietal at Domaine la Colombette in the south of France.  Rose has often been considered a summer wine but it is the estate’s goal to bring rosé to the forefront of everyday indulgence Tasting Notes Blush…

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  • Noval Black Porto Port 750ml

    Christian Seely recently introduced this wine in New York as a rethinking of the super-premium, multivintage Porto style. Black replaces LB, Noval's former entry in this range, and uses top-quality fruit to create a soft, accommodating texture. The aromas are purple-black while the flavors are pure black cherry. Acidity spices…

    In stock (8)

  • Novelty Hill 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Expressive and polished, this full-bodied Cabernet offers layers of ripe dark fruit, including blackberry, cherry and currant. Rich and full-bodied on the palate, with a finish that lasts. Blend: 92% Cabernet Sauvignon, 5% Merlot, 3% Malbec

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  • Numanthia Termes 2021 Tinta de Toro Tempranillo 750ml

    Ripened cherry red with ruby reflections. Clean and brilliant. On the nose there is good intensity with black fruits and spice notes bringing expression and complexity. There is a lively entrance, with medium structure and good balance. Notes of little black fruits, sweet spices such as cinnamon, a fresh touch…

    In stock (12)

  • Oakville Winery 2016 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This Cabernet Sauvignon is a style that reflects modern Oakville. Aromas of red fruits and notes of sweet, lush oak. Richness of juicy black tartarian cherry. A well-structured wine with round, soft and forward tannins. Medium to full-bodied with incredible balance; this wine will drink well for the…

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  • Oberon Napa County 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    To create Oberon Cabernet Sauvignon, Tony sourced grapes from throughout Napa’s finest winegrowing regions, including Oakville, Oak Knoll, Yountville, Suscol Ridge, Chiles Valley, Pope Valley and Capell Valley. By layering fruit from Napa’s sparse volcanic soils and the deeper alluvial soils of the valley floor, Tony accomplished his goal of…

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  • Oberon Napa County 2022 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    To create Oberon Cabernet Sauvignon, Tony sourced grapes from throughout Napa’s finest winegrowing regions, including Oakville, Oak Knoll, Yountville, Suscol Ridge, Chiles Valley, Pope Valley and Capell Valley. By layering fruit from Napa’s sparse volcanic soils and the deeper alluvial soils of the valley floor, Tony accomplished his goal of…

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  • Oberon Napa Valley 2021 Merlot 750ml

    To create Oberon Merlot, Tony sourced grapes from Napa Valley’s renowned Oakville district. The deeper alluvial soils along with the perfect balance of cool mornings and warm afternoons make this are the perfect location for growing Bordeaux varietals. Tony sources Syrah and Zinfandel in small lots specifically for this blend…

    In stock (2)

  • Oberon Paso Robles 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Irresistible aromas of rose petals and blueberry cobbler lead to ripe, supple silky tannins. Flavors of vibrant black cherry, candied blackberry, and red plum are complimented by notes of black currant and licorice, with a hint of coffee, dark chocolate and spice – all culminating into a lingering and delicious…

    In stock (6)

  • Old Plains 2017 Raw Power Adelaide Plains Shiraz 750ml

    Jammy blackberry fruit with a hint of spice & mint. The palate has a silky texture, w/ blackberry & blueberry fruit, bitter dark chocolate, tobacco & spice. Fantastic! Lifted aromatics with spice, plums and cherry.

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