
2114 products
  • Oliver 2022 Moscato 750ml

    Bright flavors of tropical fruit highlighted by a delightful sweetness. Just a hint of natural bubble adds a crisp spritzy finish to every sip of this popular white wine. We source the best quality Moscato: Muscat Canelli and Muscat Alexander from the West Coast. With inviting mango and peach aromas,…

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  • Oliver Apple Pie 750ml

    You’ll imagine we spent hours peeling and slicing apples to make fresh-baked pies. You’re almost right. Oliver Apple Pie wine combines the comforting taste of crisp baked apples, with warmth and gentle, sweet brown sugar and nutmeg spice. Add a healthy heap of vanilla ‘a la mode' for a fresh-baked…

    In stock (27)

  • Oliver Blueberry Moscato 750ml

    Deep, flavorful Blueberry juice is brought to life by Moscato’s tropical character and natural bubble. This is a refreshing, easy-to-drink semi-sweet wine. The wine’s light, low-alcohol style is a crowd-pleasing change of pace that appeals to both sweet and dry palates.

    In stock (11)

  • Oliver Cherry Moscato 750ml

    Moscato’s luxurious sweetness and tropical character is balanced by the bright, fresh flavor of ripe Montmorency cherries in this easy-to-drink sweet pink wine. A hint of spritz finishes every sip. Serve chilled on the patio, around the fire-pit, at the beach, or for any evening in (or out!).

    In stock (4)

  • Oliver Lemon Moscato 750ml

    Pure and tangy lemon, plus our sweet and bubbly Moscato.  A naturally refreshing lemon shake-up for grown-ups.

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  • Oliver Melon Mint Moscato 750ml

    Introducing our newest Real Fruit Moscato™! Aromas of freshly sliced melon, followed by a cool splash of sweet, juicy red fruit. Hints of real lime, mint, and cucumber. Refreshing and light, with a hint of bubble. Tasting Notes Light body Aromas of freshly sliced watermelon Sweet, juicy red fruit Hints…

    In stock (4)

  • Oliver Moscato 750ml

    Bright flavors of tropical fruit highlighted by a delightful sweetness. Just a hint of natural bubble adds a crisp spritzy finish to every sip of this popular white wine. We source the best quality Moscato: Muscat Canelli and Muscat Alexander from the West Coast. With inviting mango and peach aromas,…

    In stock (5)

  • Oliver Soft Wine Collection Sweet Red 750ml

    This semi-sweet wine captures Concord's classic flavor and aroma. Best served chilled, this wine is smooth, rich and balanced.

    In stock (22)

  • Oliver Sweet Red Lime Red 750ml

    Oliver Winery's best-selling sweet red wine, with a touch of summer. Fresh, pure lime extract adds a fun finish to the bright, classic Concord flavor of Sweet Red. Put your feet up and try it chilled or on ice. Vacation in a glass!

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  • Olivi Tempore IGT 2007 Toscana 750ml

    This wine is obtained from vines grown on the hills around Siena, where they are planted with a high density. Cultivation features careful canopy management and drastic thinning of the bunches of grapes.The maximum yield reached is 700 to 800 grams per stem. The grapes are hand-picked and placed in…

    In stock (34)

  • Opus One 2019 Napa Valley Red Blend 750ml

    The Opus One 2019 has intense aromas of black plum, blueberry, black currant, and dried rose petals, accentuated by mineral undertones. The creamy, satiny texture is framed by fine-grained tannins. The freshness and soft glow of acidity create a subtle tension with dark fruit flavors, savory herbs, espresso, and cocoa.…

    In stock (2)

  • Opus One 2021 Napa Valley Red Blend 750ml

    An enticing aroma of violets, cherry blossoms, fresh blue and black fruit and great structure define this beautiful, age-worthy wine. Subtle layering of fruit and oak spices between firm, fine-grained and supportive tannins gives it a calm intensity. So elegant and polished. Hints of cinnamon and graphite accent blackcurrant and…

    In stock (6)

  • Opus One Overture 2021 Napa Valley Red Blend 750ml

    Overture is the second wine of Opus One. Aged in French oak, this full bodied Bordeaux blend possesses generous aromas and flavors of dark fruit, spice, and cigar box with a soft, supple mid-palate. The knockout finish is vast and expansive.

    In stock (12)

  • Orin Swift 2021 Mercury Head Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    An almost-black, opaque garnet core sits in the glass with slow-moving tears falling down the sides. Immediate aromatic notes of ripe cassis, charred ribeye, sandalwood and freshly cut oak pilfer — breathe deeper for more. The first sip is a complex, layered conundrum of blackberry, black plum, fennel, licorice and…

    In stock (2)

  • Orin Swift 2022 Abstract Red Blend 750ml

    The 2022 Abstract pours a dark purple core with a neon, ruby rim. The nose is quintessential Abstract but with a broodier twist-notes of ripe black plum, cacao, black pepper, cedar, dried porcini, forest floor musk and sweet oak. The entry is coating and flooding with hints of blueberry preserves,…

    In stock (31)
