
2113 products
  • Orin Swift D66 Others 2018 Red Blend IGP Cotes Catalanes 750ml

    Department 66 is an elite winery in France that specializes in the Grenache variety, one of the most beloved red wine varieties in the world. The d66 Others Department 66 Grenache red blend is a medium-bodied, slightly spiced red wine with a delightful bittersweet berry taste. The spice and bitterness…

    In stock (10)

  • Orin Swift Department 66 D66 2016 Grenache 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Vibrant red berry and fruit aromas with exotic cassis and cardamom spice. A round, rich texture and integrated tannins are balanced with ripe blueberry flavors and distinctive earth and herbal notes of garrigue, stone and schist. Critical Acclaim RP 95 Robert Parker's Wine Advocate Rocking stuff, the 2015…

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  • Orin Swift Department 66 D66 2018 Grenache 750ml

    Winemaker Dave Phinney has crafted an excellent 2018 Côtes Catalanes Grenache D66, blending 85% Grenache with 15% Syrah. It boasts big black-cherry fruit, plus some crushed stone and hints of Mexican chocolate on the nose, while the full-bodied palate is rich and concentrated, with a long, layered finish. It should…

    In stock (8)

  • Orin Swift Palermo Napa Valley 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Poured as a dark garnet, the wine opens with primary aromas of ripe cassis and blackberry. Supporting hints of dark chocolate, toasted oak and cedar support the typical Orin Swift Cabernet Sauvignon nose. The entry is flooding with notes of dark fruits and a mid-palate bolstered with redcurrant, bay leaf…

    In stock (1)

  • New

    Orin Swift Palermo Napa Valley 2022 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Poured as a dark garnet, the wine opens with primary aromas of ripe cassis and blackberry. Supporting hints of dark chocolate, toasted oak and cedar support the typical Orin Swift Cabernet Sauvignon nose. The entry is flooding with notes of dark fruits and a mid-palate bolstered with redcurrant, bay leaf…

    In stock (12)

  • Ornellaia Le Volte 2022 Toscana 750ml

    Instantly enjoyable, versatile and playful, Le Volte dell’Ornellaia is all about conviviality. This bright red wine opens the door to the world of Ornellaia and simply shares the passion for quality that is experienced every day on our estate and with every sip.

    In stock (21)

  • Our Daily Cab 2022 Organic Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Our Daily Cabernet Sauvignon is a smooth and rich red wine that is food-friendly, but equally enjoyable on its own. Our Daily wines are USDA Organic, meeting the highest standards in producing organic wine. Crafted without added preservatives, our wines allow the grapes to shine through in a delicious expression…

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  • Our Daily Red 2022 Organic Red Blend 750ml

    Our Daily Red is a light and vibrant blend of Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Ruby Cabernet, and Carignan, delivering a quaffable and food-friendly wine, perfect for everyday enjoyment. Our Daily Wines are USDA Organic, meeting the highest standards in producing organic wine. Crafted without added preservatives, our wines allow the grapes…

    In stock (12)

  • Outerbound 2021 Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This friendly, drinkable and well-balanced wine is filled with jammy blackberry and plum flavors and accented by light cinnamon, clove and vanilla notes. Subtle tannins add a light, appetizing grip to the texture. 89 points, Jim Gordon, Wine Enthusiast (Nov 2022)

    In stock (18)

  • Overstone 2023 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    The Overstone Sauvignon Blanc has intense tropical fruit and citrus aromas, with a touch of gooseberry. Balance, natural acidity creates a refreshing, lengthy finish. A great aperitif or seafood wine made for drinking young.

    In stock (8)

  • Oyster Bay Marlborough 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Oyster Bay Marlborough Chardonnay is cool climate at its best; fresh and vibrant with aromas of white peach, crisp citrus, a touch of oak and an elegant, creamy texture.

    In stock (17)

  • Oyster Bay Marlborough 2022 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    The first Oyster Bay. Which happened to win the best Sauvignon Blanc in the world. Its brilliant clarity, extraordinary aromatic flavors, and refreshing zest are both thrilling and enthralling. It all starts in Oyster Bay’s Marlborough vineyards, in the region famous for introducing elegant, cool climate New Zealand wines to…

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  • Oyster Bay Marlborough 2023 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    The first Oyster Bay. Which happened to win the best Sauvignon Blanc in the world. Its brilliant clarity, extraordinary aromatic flavors, and refreshing zest are both thrilling and enthralling. It all starts in Oyster Bay’s Marlborough vineyards, in the region famous for introducing elegant, cool climate New Zealand wines to…

    In stock (34)

  • Sale

    OZV 2021 Old Vine Zinfandel 750ml

    OZV Old Vine Zinfandel 2021 is a deep ruby-colored wine with rich and abundant flavors of dark fruit. The ripe notes of blackberry and plum are beautifully balanced with baking spice and vanilla, creating an exquisite taste that is sure to impress. This full-bodied wine features medium tannins that provide…

    In stock (126)

    Original price was: $10.97.Current price is: $7.98.
  • Pacific Redwood 2021 Organic Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Full-bodied red, layered with flavors of cherry, chocolate, and cloves. Pairs well with all cheeses, from soft to hard, fresh mozzarellas to rich blues, grass fed lamb, roast beef, braised broccoli, endives, radicchio, and morel mushrooms. Also wonderful with desserts featuring chocolate, currants, cinnamon or mint.

    In stock (6)
