Angel's Envy 750ml Mix-N-Match

3 products
  • Angels Envy American Whiskey 750ml

    Angel's Envy Kentucky Straight Bourbon is finished in port wine casks for an award winning spirit. We guide each batch’s conditioning, blending our handcrafted bourbon in small batches of 8 to 10 barrels at a time. It’s typically aged for up to 6 years. While we lose about 5% of…

    In stock (8)

  • Angels Envy Finished Rye American Whiskey 750ml

    Angel’s Envy Rye Finished in Rum Barrels is genuinely unique and worthy of Master Distiller Lincoln Henderson’s legacy. The taste profile of rye whiskey was a perfect fit for a rum cask finish. After sampling over 100 rums to find the right flavor to complement rye whiskey, the team’s decision…

    In stock (6)

  • Angels Envy Triple Oak Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    This is the Angel's Envy Bourbon that has spent its life in three different barrels. With a blend of toasted Hungarian, Chinkapin, and French oak barrels, this one-of-a-kind bourbon will exceed your expectations and take your taste buds on a journey.

    In stock (8)
