Blue Ice Vodka 1.75L
2 products
Blue Ice Huckleberry Vodka 1.75L
Blue Ice Huckleberry Flavored Vodka Huckleberries are the Idaho state fruit referred to as purple gold. Taste is ripe plump berry notes with a hint of sweetness on the palate, and a smooth round finish. Non-GMO, GF, 57 calories per oz.$27.99In stock (16)
Blue Ice Organic Potato Vodka 1.75L
Less than 3% of all vodka produced worldwide is made from potatoes. Blue Ice is the # 1 American potato vodka and is fit-friendly with the following features; 57 Calories Per Ounce • No Carbs • No Sugar Added • Certified Gluten Free • Non-GMO Potatoes. Produced from farm to…$27.99In stock (108)