Glendalough Whiskey / Gin 750ml Mix-N-Match

3 products
  • Glendalough Double Barrel Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Upon its release, this whiskey won double gold at The World Spirits Competition in San Francisco. It really is an Irish whiskey that will make you think twice about Irish whiskey. A lovely, light and drinkable whiskey, it's also complex with a depth of flavour beyond its years. Aged twice…

    In stock (26)

  • Glendalough Rose Gin 750ml

    To make this very special, small-batch Gin we completely rebalance our Wild Gin recipe and redistill it with extra fruit, flowers, spices... and of course a lot of fresh rose petals. Three varieties of rose are used; the rare and elusive Wild Rose from the Wicklow mountains, large fragrant Heritage…

    In stock (7)

  • Glendalough Wild Botanical Gin 750ml

    To make this extraordinary gin, we forage wild plants in the mountains around the distillery. What we pick goes fresh into the still within hours of foraging. All the plants are sustainably picked by our full time forager, every day we distil. We take a lot of care that we…

    In stock (3)
