Mix-N-Match Bacardi 750m
5 products
Bacardi Gold Rum 750ml
Light brown rum distilled from fermented molasses. Aged at least 1 year. A good light-bodied, mixing rum. A good example of the lighter Puerto Rican rums.$11.99In stock (37)
Bacardi Lime Rum 750ml
While some of you out there are concerned with getting the perfect beach body in advance of the summer season, the rest of us are out here on the hunt for the perfect summertime drink. Titan of the rum industry Bacardí is once again planting a flag in an attempt…$11.99In stock (17)
Bacardi Limon Rum 750ml
"Clear. Creamy lemon custard aromas are attractive and follow through on a satiny soft entry to a glycerous fruity-yet-dry medium body with a touch on bicarbonate of soda, metal ore, and pepper on the breezy, slightly astringent and bitter finish." Reviewed by: Beverage Testing Institute$11.99In stock (17)
Bacardi Spiced Rum 750ml
The latest rum from the family-owned spirits maker is said to have “a hint of smokiness” and a “bold, yet smooth taste”. The arrival of Bacardi Spiced to the market, following the launch of Bacardi Ginger and Bacardi Raspberry in 2018, is said to be in response to the “increasing…$11.99In stock (30)
Bacardi Superior Rum 750ml
Bacardi Superior is the main bearer of Bacardi's authenticity, origin and craft; it has carried the Bacardi bat device as its symbol since 1862. The original, mixable light rum, BACARDI Superior starts out as a pre-blend of the lightest distilled spirit. This blend is passed through charcoal filtration to achieve…$11.99In stock (156)