On Remy Martin 1738 / Remy Martin VSOP / Cointreau / Mount Gay / Botanist 750ml & 1.75L (Mix-N-Match)

9 products
  • Cointreau Orange Liqueur 750ml

    Cointreau, the crystal clear Orange Liqueur, founded in Angers, France, remains one of the world's most distinguished spirits with over 160 years of history. Renowned for its perfect balance of 100% all natural sweet and bitter orange peels, Cointreau has a uniquely refreshing and complex taste. A versatile, 80 proof…

    In stock (14)

  • Mount Gay 1703 Black Barrel Rum 750ml

    The 1703 Master Select blend features a blend of copper column and copper pot rums from Mount Gay's oldest reserves – ranging from 10 to 30 year old rums – created and hand-picked by Master Blender Allen Smith. Due to overwhelming demand and the scarcity of Mount Gay's most mature…

    In stock (10)

  • Mount Gay Eclipse Gold Rum 1.75L

    Mount Gay Eclipse Rum, the epitome of tradition in the art of rum-making in Barbados and the English-speaking Caribbean, is our flagship and was created to satisfy the palates of connoisseurs the world over. The blending of double and single distillates and the fact that it’s aged in Kentucky oak…

    In stock (3)

  • Mount Gay Eclipse Gold Rum 750ml

    Mount Gay Eclipse Rum, the epitome of tradition in the art of rum-making in Barbados and the English-speaking Caribbean, is our flagship and was created to satisfy the palates of connoisseurs the world over. The blending of double and single distillates and the fact that it’s aged in Kentucky oak…

    In stock (12)

  • Mount Gay XO Rum 750ml

    An opulent blend of the finest spirits aged for 8 to 15 years. Where Eclipse is floral and fruity, Extra Old blends significantly older barrels of mainly double pot distillates that have rounded these crisper notes into a subtler balance. It exudes the finesse that only time can bring and…

    In stock (6)

  • Remy Martin 1738 Cognac 750ml

    Rémy Martin Accord Royal 1738 is a smooth and well-balanced cognac from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne.  An authentic cognac, deeply rooted in the terroir and tradition, it is aged in toasted French oak casks revealing a round and mellow body with oaky notes of…

    In stock (27)

  • Remy Martin VSOP Cognac 750ml

    Rémy Martin V.S.O.P is a blend from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne. Twice the age of a standard VS, this gold color and versatile  cognac embodies the perfect harmony of powerful and elegant aromas.  It is well-balanced and multi-layered with notes of vanilla, stone fruit,…

    In stock (1)

  • Remy Martin VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac 1.75L

    Rémy Martin V.S.O.P is a well-balanced and multi-layered cognac with notes of vanilla, stone fruit and licorice. It is a blend from the most sought-after vineyards in the heart of the Cognac region of France - Petite and Grande Champagne. Rémy Martin is the only major cognac house specializing exclusively…

    In stock (1)

  • The Botanist 22 Dry Gin 750ml

    The Botanist is a small-batch, artisanal Islay gin we use nine of the classic gin aromatics – orris root, cassia bark, coriander seed, etc – and augment these with a heady harvest of 22 local botanicals, hand-picked by our expert foraging team from the windswept hills, peat bogs and Atlantic…

    In stock (12)
