Select Four Roses 750ml

2 products
  • Four Roses Small Batch 90 Proof American Whiskey 750ml

    For a spirits enthusiast who wants a go-to premium bourbon, Four Roses Small Batch is a perfectly balanced everyday bourbon that elevates every moment to a special occasion.

    In stock (24)

  • Four Roses Small Batch Select Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Master Distiller Brent Elliott selected and mingled six of Four Roses’ 10 Bourbon recipes, each aged a minimum of 6 years, to handcraft Small Batch Select. Non-chill filtered and 104 proof, our newest permanent product-line extension offers truly unique flavor characteristics. 104 proof. 52% alcohol/volume TASTING NOTES NOSE:Raspberries, clove, and…

    In stock (10)
