Select Johnnie Walker 750ml

3 products
  • Johnnie Walker 18Yr Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Johnnie Walker Aged 18 Years is made using whiskies that have matured for at least 18 years. Carefully chosen for their flavor and quality, these whiskies make for a wonderful combination of both classic and contemporary tastes – blending notes of citrus and fragrant almonds, with warm vanilla and a…

    In stock (2)

  • Johnnie Walker Gold Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Nose: Honey and heather with thick caramel notes and a subtle nutmeg spice. Dried meadow flowers and a hint of fresh banana. Palate: Smooth and succulent with a honeyed sweetness that's typical of Johnnie Walker. There's more to this though, the floral elements are quite prominent and there's a spiced…

    In stock (2)

  • Johnnie Walker Green Label 15Yr Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

    In stock (4)
