Captain Morgan Sweet Chili Lime Rum 750ml
Captain Morgan Sweet Chili Lime Rum is an exciting variation on the beloved Captain Morgan original. This bold expression blends the rich, smooth essence of Caribbean rum with the lively zest of sweet chili and the refreshing brightness of lime. The result is a dynamic, spicy-sweet rum that offers a truly unique flavor experience. Perfect for those who enjoy a little heat with their drinks, this rum is ideal for adding an adventurous twist to your cocktails or sipping it on the rocks.
Captain Morgan Sweet Chili Lime Rum is an exciting variation on the beloved Captain Morgan original. This bold expression blends the rich, smooth essence of Caribbean rum with the lively zest of sweet chili and the refreshing brightness of lime. The result is a dynamic, spicy-sweet rum that offers a truly unique flavor experience. Perfect for those who enjoy a...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | Puerto Rico |
Type | Rum |
Brand | Captain Morgan |
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