El Jimador Blanco Tequila 1.75ml
A crisp, authentic tequila with subtle cooked agave taste and hints of citrusy sweetness that make it the exceptional choice for great tequila cocktails.As natural as tequila can get, el Jimador Blanco, which means ‘white’ in Spanish, is a remarkably crystal clear tequila that is bottled immediately after distillation. But don’t let that clarity fool you, this tequila’s unique taste comes straight from the 100% blue agave it’s made from.
A crisp, authentic tequila with subtle cooked agave taste and hints of citrusy sweetness that make it the exceptional choice for great tequila cocktails.As natural as tequila can get, el Jimador Blanco, which means ‘white’ in Spanish, is a remarkably crystal clear tequila that is bottled immediately after distillation. But don’t let that clarity fool you, this tequila’s unique taste...
Weight | 5 lbs |
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Wine, Spirits, Beer and Mixers
- Orders over $175$15.00/per 12 bottles
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