Jinro Peach Soju 375ml
Also known as Korean vodka, it has a very smooth taste. Its a clear distilled liquor made from rice and the most popular type of alcoholic drink in Korea.
Soju is originally from Korea, where it was first distilled around the 14th century. Unlike vodka, soju has a natural hint of botanicals that can make for a smoother taste as opposed to vodka, which can sometimes come off as harsh at the end. It is also not only lower in calorie than vodka, but it is also lower in proof.
Aromatic sweetness of perfectly ripened peach flavor is easy to drink and enhances any type of food and occasion. Jinro Peach Soju is neutral spirit with natural and artificial flavors.
Also known as Korean vodka, it has a very smooth taste. Its a clear distilled liquor made from rice and the most popular type of alcoholic drink in Korea. Soju is originally from Korea, where it was first distilled around the 14th century. Unlike vodka, soju has a natural hint of botanicals that can make for a smoother taste as...
Weight | 2.0000 lbs |
Size | 375ml |
Country or State | California |
Type | Cordials – Liqueurs |
Brand | HiteJinro |
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