Kilo Kai Rum 700ml
KILO KAI is spiced rum blended with the unique flavors and scents of the Caribbean. The complexity arises in the flavors of anise, vanilla, banana, cherry, nutmeg and orange peels that linger harmoniously on the palate. It is crafted with 1-year-old and 3-year-old rums for a smooth blend that delicately balances the integrity of both the rum and the spices. This is the perfect rum for aficionados and novices alike because its complexity and unique blend of flavors allows it to be mixed in a favorite cocktail or enjoyed straight.
KILO KAI is spiced rum blended with the unique flavors and scents of the Caribbean. The complexity arises in the flavors of anise, vanilla, banana, cherry, nutmeg and orange peels that linger harmoniously on the palate. It is crafted with 1-year-old and 3-year-old rums for a smooth blend that delicately balances the integrity of both the rum and the spices....
Weight | 3 lbs |
Size | 700ml |
Type | Rum |
Country or State | Curacao |
Brand | Kilo Kai |
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