American Highway Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
American Highway Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Hot summers and cold winters write the recipes for the world’s best bourbons. Fluctuating climate expands and contracts the staves of a barrel, imparting oak and char that cultivate the characteristic flavors of America’s spirit. We take that idea one step further, loading our barrels onto our Rolling Rickhouse, where the spirits age on the road – from the farmlands of the heartland, to the rugged terrain of the mountains and desert, to the beaches of each coast. This is a travelled whiskey with a story – hints of the character of this beautiful land permeating the scent and taste of every drop in this exemplary expression. This is American Highway.
American Highway is a a blend of four Kentucky Rye-forward bourbons ranging in age from 4-15 years. This is a special collaboration between the blending and distilling team at the Bardstown Bourbon Co. and music icon Brad Paisley.
Hot summers and cold winters write the recipes for the world’s best bourbons. Fluctuating climate expands and contracts the staves of a barrel, imparting oak and char that cultivate the characteristic flavors of America’s spirit. We take that idea one step further, loading our barrels onto our Rolling Rickhouse, where the spirits age on the road - from the farmlands...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Type | American Whiskey |
Country or State | Kentucky |
Brand |
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Wine, Spirits, Beer and Mixers
- Orders over $175$15.00/per 12 bottles
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