Knob Creek 100 Proof Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
Knob Creek 100 Proof Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
Knob Creek Rye is patiently aged for seven years in deeply charred barrels and bottled at 100 proof to give it the signature Knob Creek full flavor. At seven years, Knob Creek Rye achieves its optimal flavor profile resulting in the perfect balance between sweet barrel notes and spicy rye character. Its high corn mashbill makes it perfect for the bourbon drinker looking to add a rye to their liquor cabinet.
Knob Creek Rye is patiently aged for seven years in deeply charred barrels and bottled at 100 proof to give it the signature Knob Creek full flavor. At seven years, Knob Creek Rye achieves its optimal flavor profile resulting in the perfect balance between sweet barrel notes and spicy rye character. Its high corn mashbill makes it perfect for the...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Type | American Whiskey |
Brand | Knob Creek |
Country or State | Kentucky |
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