1792 Full Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
1792 Full Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Bourbon insiders have long acknowledged that full proof bourbon has a distinctively rich flavor. This bourbon has been bottled at its original 125 barrel entry proof, just as it was years ago, when the barrels were first filled. Strong and full of flavor, this bold bourbon boasts an incredible deep and smoky taste, superbly balanced with sweet vanilla and notes of caramel.
Bourbon insiders have long acknowledged that full proof bourbon has a distinctively rich flavor. This bourbon has been bottled at its original 125 barrel entry proof, just as it was years ago, when the barrels were first filled. Strong and full of flavor, this bold bourbon boasts an incredible deep and smoky taste, superbly balanced with sweet vanilla and notes...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | United States |
Type | American Whiskey, Hand-Selected Whiskeys |
Brand | 1792, Ridgemont |
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Wine, Spirits, Beer and Mixers
- Orders over $175$15.00/per 12 bottles
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