Juggernaut 2022 Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 750ml
The complex and sophisticated mouthfeel of this Chardonnay is built through a combination of French and American oak, stainless steel tanks and sur lie aging. Each technique offers the final blend something special; from the hint of vanilla bean and buttercream from the oak barrels, to the crisp stone fruit varietal characteristics highlighted in the stainless steel, to the round, luxurious mouthfeel resulting from sur lie aging.
Fog and intense wind are prevalent most of the year along the Sonoma Coast. Vineyards at even moderate elevation battle to capture every drop of sunlight in the hopes of bringing Burgundian varieties like Chardonnay and Pinot Noir to full ripening. The result of this inhospitable climate is grapes with lower sugar but higher acid levels which create sought after structure and a crisp, refreshing backbone that pairs well with a variety of cuisines.
The complex and sophisticated mouthfeel of this Chardonnay is built through a combination of French and American oak, stainless steel tanks and sur lie aging. Each technique offers the final blend something special; from the hint of vanilla bean and buttercream from the oak barrels, to the crisp stone fruit varietal characteristics highlighted in the stainless steel, to the round,...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | California |
Varietal | Chardonnay Wine |
Type | White Wines |
Brand | Juggernaut |
Vintage | 2022 Vintage |
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