Blue Ice Double Espresso Flavored Vodka 750ml
Blue Ice Double Espresso Flavored Vodka 750ml
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On Blue Ice Vodka 750ml Mix-N-Match
Crafted in Rigby, Idaho, where the the finest Idaho Russet Potatoes are harvested. Blue Ice Double Espresso Vodka was created with the finest brewed Arabica beans and Idaho Russet Potatoes, a legendary concoction that is set to take the American espresso martini consumer market by storm.
Palate is draped with hints of mocha and Arabica beans.
Nose is freshly brewed espresso, with a velvety finish.
Blended with quality Potato Vodka for a smooth, natural flavor.
Crafted in Rigby, Idaho, where the the finest Idaho Russet Potatoes are harvested. Blue Ice Double Espresso Vodka was created with the finest brewed Arabica beans and Idaho Russet Potatoes, a legendary concoction that is set to take the American espresso martini consumer market by storm. Palate is draped with hints of mocha and Arabica beans. Nose is freshly brewed...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | United States |
Type | Vodka |
Brand | Blue Ice |
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