Absolut Vodka 1.75L
Absolut Vodka 1.75L
*This item is only available for shipping in FL*
Absolut Vodka is one of the most famous vodkas in the world. It is a Swedish vodka made exclusively from natural ingredients, with no added sugar, and made from water and winter wheat grown in the fields of Åhus, Sweden. Absolut is rich, full-bodied, and blends beautifully with other aromas, enhancing the taste of your drinks and cocktails.
Absolut Vodka has completely redefined the premium vodka landscape, becoming synonymous with art, culture, and nightlife. By starting a revolution in cocktail creation and launching a range of flavors never before seen on the market, Absolut has become an icon in its own right. It has been produced at the famous old distilleries near Ahus in accordance with more than 400 years of Swedish tradition.
Absolut Vodka is one of the most famous vodkas in the world. It is a Swedish vodka made exclusively from natural ingredients, with no added sugar, and made from water and winter wheat grown in the fields of Åhus, Sweden. Absolut is rich, full-bodied, and blends beautifully with other aromas, enhancing the taste of your drinks and cocktails. Absolut Vodka...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | Sweden |
Type | Vodka |
Brand | Absolut |
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1.75L Bottle Shipping - Florida Only
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Wine, Spirits, Beer and Mixers
- Orders over $175$15.00/per 12 bottles
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