XXL Strawberry and Grapes 750ml
A delightful and full body wine, based on the high quality wines, Moscato and natural fresh fruits flavor. Refreshing XXL Strawberry, made under unique technology, is perfect for home celebrations and gala evenings. Red sweet liqueur wine with a deep ruby color, made from perfectly ripe, carefully selected grapes. In the nose have aromas of strawberry jam, wild berry and violet notes. Intense, concentrated, well-built and long-lasting taste.
A delightful and full body wine, based on the high quality wines, Moscato and natural fresh fruits flavor. Refreshing XXL Strawberry, made under unique technology, is perfect for home celebrations and gala evenings. Red sweet liqueur wine with a deep ruby color, made from perfectly ripe, carefully selected grapes. In the nose have aromas of strawberry jam, wild berry and...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | Moldova |
Type | Red Wines |
Vintage | No Vintage |
Brand | XXL Wine |
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Wine, Spirits, Beer and Mixers
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