Bacardi Superior Rum 750ml
Bacardi Superior Rum 750ml
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All Bacardi 750ml (Mix-N-Match)
Bacardi Superior is the main bearer of Bacardi’s authenticity, origin and craft; it has carried the Bacardi bat device as its symbol since 1862.
The original, mixable light rum, BACARDI Superior starts out as a pre-blend of the lightest distilled spirit. This blend is passed through charcoal filtration to achieve a characteristic BACARDI smoothness, and then aged for a period of at least one year. After ageing, BACARDI Superior is again charcoal filtered to produce a subtle, delicate rum that is clear in color, light in body and dry in flavor.
The smooth and light taste with a subtle aroma of almonds and tropical fruits, the finish is clean and balanced to the palate.
Bacardi Rum is made in Puerto Rico.
Bacardi Superior is the main bearer of Bacardi's authenticity, origin and craft; it has carried the Bacardi bat device as its symbol since 1862. The original, mixable light rum, BACARDI Superior starts out as a pre-blend of the lightest distilled spirit. This blend is passed through charcoal filtration to achieve a characteristic BACARDI smoothness, and then aged for a period...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | Puerto Rico |
Type | Rum |
Brand | Bacardi |
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