Michters Small Batch Bourbon American Whiskey 750ml
Michters Small Batch Bourbon American Whiskey 750ml
Michter’s “US*1” Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey, which has been aged in hand-selected white oak barrels, has matured to a rich and inviting amber color. Careful appreciation of the spirit reveals enticing aromas of dried apricots, corn, cracked pepper, and a hint of baking spices. The palate exemplifies sweet bourbon, with the unmistakable corn character balanced with hints of dried fruit. This is a great sipping whiskey.
Michter's "US*1" Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey, which has been aged in hand-selected white oak barrels, has matured to a rich and inviting amber color. Careful appreciation of the spirit reveals enticing aromas of dried apricots, corn, cracked pepper, and a hint of baking spices. The palate exemplifies sweet bourbon, with the unmistakable corn character balanced with hints of dried fruit....
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Type | American Whiskey |
Country or State | Kentucky |
Brand | Michters |
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