Tullamore Dew Special Reserve 12Yr Irish Whiskey 750ml
Tullamore Dew Special Reserve 12Yr Irish Whiskey 750ml
Tullamore D.E.W. 12 Year Old Special Reserve Irish Whiskey
Our 12 Year Old Special Reserve is a carefully crafted blend of old Irish whiskeys. They say with age comes wisdom, or in this case, complexity, character and maturity – one of the reasons why this truly unique whiskey has been awarded plaudits in abundance from whiskey connoisseurs around the world.
Tullamore D.E.W. 12 Year Old Special Reserve Irish Whiskey Our 12 Year Old Special Reserve is a carefully crafted blend of old Irish whiskeys. They say with age comes wisdom, or in this case, complexity, character and maturity – one of the reasons why this truly unique whiskey has been awarded plaudits in abundance from whiskey connoisseurs around the world.
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | Ireland |
Type | Irish Whiskey |
Brand | Tullamore Dew |
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Wine, Spirits, Beer and Mixers
- Orders over $175$15.00/per 12 bottles
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