Michters Small Batch Original Sour Mash American Whiskey 750ml
Michters Small Batch Original Sour Mash American Whiskey 750ml
America’s first whiskey distilling company, Michter’s rich history dates back to 1753 when a farmer in Schaefferstown, Pennsylvania distilled his first batch of whiskey from hardy rye. Michter’s has continued this distilling tradition by releasing an impressive selection of high quality, limited production whiskeys including single barrel rye, very small batch bourbon, single barrel bourbon and very small batch unblended American whiskey.
Once Michter’s most popular release, Michter’s Original Sour Mash Whiskey was discontinued in 1989 and disappeared from the marketplace. However, to the delight of Michter’s fans everywhere, the distillery has recreated this limited edition expression in accordance with the traditional sour mash process. A complex nose of dried fruit, pine needles, herbal tea and peppery spice is followed by an earthy, herbaceous palate accented by hints of caramel, roasted coffee, vanilla and oak on the finish.
America's first whiskey distilling company, Michter's rich history dates back to 1753 when a farmer in Schaefferstown, Pennsylvania distilled his first batch of whiskey from hardy rye. Michter's has continued this distilling tradition by releasing an impressive selection of high quality, limited production whiskeys including single barrel rye, very small batch bourbon, single barrel bourbon and very small batch unblended...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | United States |
Type | American Whiskey |
Brand | Michters |
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