Jameson Select Black Barrel Irish Whisky 750ml
Double charring the wood fires up the barrels and gives them new life. Untold richness and complexity awaits in every drop of Jameson Black Barrel. It’s perfect on its own or on the rocks, but it’s also commonly known as the best whiskey for an Old Fashioned. Don’t trust us? Taste it. So, care to meet our beloved Black Barrel whiskey?
Double charring the wood fires up the barrels and gives them new life. Untold richness and complexity awaits in every drop of Jameson Black Barrel. It’s perfect on its own or on the rocks, but it’s also commonly known as the best whiskey for an Old Fashioned. Don’t trust us? Taste it. So, care to meet our beloved Black Barrel...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | Ireland |
Type | Irish Whiskey |
Brand | Jameson |
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