Jim Beam Red Stag Black Cherry Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Jim Beam Red Stag Black Cherry Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
With the perfect balance of dark cherry and bourbon flavors, Red Stag by Jim Beam has a warm, smooth finish that’s great on its own, mixed with cola or blended with iced tea and lemonade.
Red Stag by Jim Beam is a wildly delicious combination of black cherry liqueur infused with Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. As one of the pioneers of flavored bourbon, it blazed uncharted paths to become known and loved for its balance of soft, dark cherry aromas backed by traditional bourbon oakiness. But through it all, it never lost its wild, inventive roots.
With the perfect balance of dark cherry and bourbon flavors, Red Stag by Jim Beam has a warm, smooth finish that’s great on its own, mixed with cola or blended with iced tea and lemonade. Red Stag by Jim Beam is a wildly delicious combination of black cherry liqueur infused with Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. As one of the pioneers...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | United States |
Type | American Whiskey |
Brand | Jim Beam |
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