Jameson Irish Whiskey 750ml
Jameson Irish Whiskey is a blended Irish Whiskey.
What’s that we hear you say? Well first we take the best of pot still and fine grain whiskeys. Then we triple distill them- not because we have to because we want to as it gives it its signature smoothness. Finally we age them in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years. It’s where we recommend starting your whiskey journey. How to drink it? Any way you like. Just add mates and widen the circle. Triple distilled, twice as smooth, one of a kind.
Jameson Irish Whiskey is a blended Irish Whiskey. What’s that we hear you say? Well first we take the best of pot still and fine grain whiskeys. Then we triple distill them- not because we have to because we want to as it gives it its signature smoothness. Finally we age them in oak casks for a minimum of 4...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | Ireland |
Type | Irish Whiskey |
Brand | Jameson |
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