Hartley Brandy 750ml
The bright copper color brings to mind the old-world alembic stills that produced the magnificent Tipple. The rich aroma of fresh buttered rum cake wafts through the nose. The palate is an opulent smorgasbord of rich fruits. Asian pear, orange peel and juicy apricots drizzle with vanilla are accentuated by the tart alcohol. The finish is clean and crisp leaving the senses refreshed.
The bright copper color brings to mind the old-world alembic stills that produced the magnificent Tipple. The rich aroma of fresh buttered rum cake wafts through the nose. The palate is an opulent smorgasbord of rich fruits. Asian pear, orange peel and juicy apricots drizzle with vanilla are accentuated by the tart alcohol. The finish is clean and crisp leaving...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Country or State | California |
Type | Brandy |
Brand | Hartley |
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