Lairds Apple Jack Brandy 750ml
Laird’s Applejack is a blend of 35% applebrandy and 65% neutral spirits that possesses a hint of apple flavor and aroma. The apple brandy base gives Laird’s Applejack a unique smoothness- a deeper, richer flavor
For almost 300 years, the art of producing AppleJack has been passed down through generations of the Laird Family. Laird was America’s first commercial distillery with License #1. Now proudly bringing that tradition to a variety of products, imports, spirits, wines and more.
Laird's Applejack is a blend of 35% applebrandy and 65% neutral spirits that possesses a hint of apple flavor and aroma. The apple brandy base gives Laird's Applejack a unique smoothness- a deeper, richer flavor For almost 300 years, the art of producing AppleJack has been passed down through generations of the Laird Family. Laird was America's first commercial distillery...
Weight | 4.0000 lbs |
Size | 750ml |
Type | Brandy |
Country or State | United States |
Brand | Lairds |
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