
14 products
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  • AA Badenhorst Secateurs 2022 Chenin Blanc 750ml

    This wine spent time on its lees in concrete tanks and old casks, which gives incredible texture and palate weight to the wine. The aromas are flinty with honey, orange blossom, and white stone fruit notes. The vintage was characterized by a long ripening period in mild conditions and has…

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  • Big Flower 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The wine has a deep plum colour with a delicious blend of blackcurrant, tobacco and fennel notes on the nose. On the palate this opulent wine has a balanced acidity that is supported by layers of blackcurrant and plum. The palate is rounded out by firm tannins.

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  • Big Flower 2022 Cabernet Franc Stellenbosch South Africa 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Ripe and rich aromas of dark berries with a hint of pencil shavings, this is an approachable full-bodied red wine with soft tannins. A very versatile food wine.

    In stock (14)

  • Cape D’Or 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The fruit for this Cabernet Sauvignon was sourced from sustainable, dry land vineyards in South Africa. These vineyards are located in the Western Cape region of South Africa where cool afternoon breezes allow for favourable ripening conditions. Working with fruit from some of the oldest deposits of granite and shale…

    In stock (8)

  • Cape D’Or 2021 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    The fruit for this Sauvignon Blanc was sourced from sustainably farmed vineyards in South Africa. These vineyards are located in the Western Cape region of South Africa where cool afternoon breezes allow for favourable ripening conditions. Working with fruit from some of the oldest deposits of granite and shale soils…

    In stock (2)

  • Cederberg 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The nature of the high elevation vineyards allows a longer ripening period which gives rise to fully developed fruit. A combo of red and darker red fruit, cassis and plum along with a slight suggestion of mint, a hint of tobacco leaf and graphite define the 2016 Cederberg Cabernet Sauvignon’s…

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  • Cederberg 2020 Chenin Blanc 750ml

    Twelve selected barrels were used to produce 1000 cases. Delicate aromas of honey, lime zest, roasted nuts and peaches laced with sweet vanilla undertones. Well-integrated wood and ageing on the lees developed a full, rich palate with a smooth lingering finish. This Chenin Blanc is concentrated and structured for longevity.…

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  • Cederberg Bukettraube 2022 White 750ml

    A rare, aromatic wine showing loads of floral honey and dried apricot notes. Semi-sweet on the palate showing balance and finesse. Perfect for spicy foods. Bukettraube is a cross of Silvaner and Schiava Grossa! Cederberg Description A rare cultivar with 77 hectares left in the world. Cederberg Bukettraube is an…

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  • Hamilton Russell Vineyard 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    A tight, minerally wine with classic Hamilton Russell Vineyards length and complexity. Unusually prominent pear and lime fruit aromas and flavours are brought beautifully into focus by a tight line of bright natural acid and a long, dry minerality. An elegant, yet textured and intense wine with a strong personality…

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  • Jam Jar 2022 Sweet Shiraz 750ml

    Crafted in a lighter style this Shiraz is a fresh, fruity, sweet wine that displays aromas and flavors of ripe blueberries, blackberries and raspberries with dark chocolate undertones. Refreshing and approachable with a perfect balance.

    In stock (18)

  • Jam Jar Sweet Blush 750ml

    South African winemaking began in the 17th century, with early Dutch and French settlers planting vines and making wine for export back to their homelands. But a renaissance of the industry began just 20 years ago, when historic political reform in South Africa ended the country’s social and economic isolation.…

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  • Mulderbosch 2019 Faithful Hound Stellenbosch 750ml

    Alluring earthy aromas at first, brambleberry, boysenberry and cassis later. Cinnamon, bay leaves and cocoa leading the nose to the palate.

    In stock (7)

  • Stark-Conde Stellenbosch 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Cabernet Sauvignon is our signature varietal and this particular wine is the bedrock of our winery. This award-winning Cabernet is blended with traditional Bordeaux varietals grown on the farm. This wine displays a rich palate, a long finish, and fine tannins typical of a Jonkershoek Valley wine.

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  • The Chocolate Block 2022 Red Blend 750ml

    Intense blackberry, bramble, and lavender aromas with gentle nuances of potting soil and cured meat dominate a dark and brooding nose. The abundance of perfume and the earthy character of the nose follows through generously onto a powerful palate, with a lush compote of blueberries, ripe plums, black currants &…

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