
8 products
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  • Beylerbeyi Gobek Raki 700ml

    Beylerbeyi Göbek Raki Is Triple Distilled Using Aniseeds From Kalinkoz And Virgin Suma Only. This Extra Refined Method Of Production Creates A Uniquely Smooth Quality And Delicate Flavour.

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  • Efe 3 Triple Destilled Raki 750ml

    Grapes produced on the Aegean soil and picked up carefully have been made into 100% grape suma, distilled 3 times with anise seeds and at each stage the pure flavor of Kara Efe appeared a little more. Bozdag water is used for a more pleasant taste. Kara Efe is produced…

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  • Efe Gold Premium Raki 750ml

    A very pure triple-distilled raki made by distilling grape alcohol with aniseed. Efe Raki brought together the experts to produce the taste that defines Raki by an authentic recipe. Selected top-quality grapes and anis seeds of the Aegean coast gives Efe Raki its distinct taste and unmistakable aroma every time.…

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  • Tekirdag Rakisi 700ml

    Tekirdag Rakisi is made from suma produced with carefully selected fresh grapes and high-quality aniseed, distilled in special copper stills.

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  • Tekirdag Rakisi Gold 700ml

    Tekirdag Rakisi Gold Series is produced by the distillation of carefully selected fresh grapes and high-quality aniseeeds in copper alembics with traditional methods. Tekirdag Rakisi Gold Series is matured in special oak barrels which gives it its unique golden color and taste.

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  • Yeni Raki 700ml

    A traditional Turkish anise liqueur, double distilled in copper pot stills. While it can be consumed on myriad occasions, raki is a perfect aperitif and thirst quencher when mixed with a good amount of chilled water.

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  • Yeni Raki 750ml

    A traditional Turkish anise liqueur, double distilled in copper pot stills. While it can be consumed on myriad occasions, raki is a perfect aperitif and thirst quencher when mixed with a good amount of chilled water.

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  • New

    Yeni Raki Ala 700ml

    Carefully selected grapes of the highest quality are sun-dried. Nature's generous flavours are stored in the dried grapes. It is distilled 3 times and then matured in special oak barrels to make the taste mellow. Intense anise flavours, aromas and high alcohol content ensure a more balanced and long-lasting taste.…

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