
9 products
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  • AA Badenhorst Secateurs 2022 Chenin Blanc 750ml

    This wine spent time on its lees in concrete tanks and old casks, which gives incredible texture and palate weight to the wine. The aromas are flinty with honey, orange blossom, and white stone fruit notes. The vintage was characterized by a long ripening period in mild conditions and has…

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  • Catena 2022 White Clay Semillion-Chenin Lutan De Cuyo 750ml

    Semillón and Chenin Blanc used to be the two most widely planted white grape varieties in Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza´s historical region for premium wines. Semillón came to Argentina in the 19th century and was planted in field blends with Malbec as it was in France. A century ago, the…

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  • Cederberg 2020 Chenin Blanc 750ml

    Twelve selected barrels were used to produce 1000 cases. Delicate aromas of honey, lime zest, roasted nuts and peaches laced with sweet vanilla undertones. Well-integrated wood and ageing on the lees developed a full, rich palate with a smooth lingering finish. This Chenin Blanc is concentrated and structured for longevity.…

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  • Dry Creek Vineyard 2019 Chenin Blanc 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This beautiful wine is wonderfully consistent vintage after vintage. At first swirl, aromatics of honeydew melon, white peach and Meyer lemon spring forward from the glass with notes of orange blossom, honeysuckle, and chamomile. On the palate, the wine is refreshing with flavors of lemon, pear, and mango…

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  • L’Ecole No. 41 2021 Chenin Blanc Old Vines Yakima Valley 750ml

    With distinctive aromatics, spanning from white floral to pink peppercorn, this dry Chenin is vivid and lively. In the mouth, flavors burst forward with magnolia, Meyer lemon skin, and citrus custard, offset by a remarkable note of salinity. The wine is snappy and interesting, carrying through to a flavorful and…

    In stock (8)

  • Mary Taylor Pascal Biotteau 2018 Anjou Blanc 750ml

    Sourced from vineyards that fall exactly along the border of the two sub-regions of Anjou, this gorgeously subtle white from fourth-generation winemaker Pascal Biotteau comes from the village of Saint-Jean-de-Mauvrets, situated on the old Roman road from Angers to Poitiers.

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  • Pine Ridge 2023 Chenin Blanc and Viognier 750ml

    Crisp, bright, and vivacious, CB+V 2020 is an aromatic white blend boasting a bouquet of honeysuckle, lemon lime, yuzu, and ginger spice. The entry is both crisp and clean, exhibiting refreshing acidity and roundness, opening to flavors of lemon curd, fig, honeysuckle, lemongrass, and ripe melon. This delicious chenin blanc…

    In stock (11)

  • Prisoner Wine Co Saldo 2021 Chenin Blanc 750ml

    High density of fruit aromas, including pineapple, white peach, and brown spice. Flavors of pineapple and honey crisp apple dominate the palate.

    In stock (31)

  • Revolver Wine Company Mortal & Divine 2013 Chennin Blanc 750ml

     100% Chenin Blanc. A great way to start off your Summer with honeysuckle, violets, orange peel, Kaffir lime leaf and lemon curd. It's high acidity, below threshold residual sugar and NO malolatic fermentation make the palette happy. To make it sing, pair it with oysters, Sushi, prosciutto & melon or…

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